In House of X #5, Marvel’s re-invention of the X-Men takes a major turn (SPOILERS!). Not only do Charles Xavier and Magneto unveil and entire new process for bringing dead mutants back from the dead, they also manage to establish an world-recognized mutant nation, complete with its own societal and cultural rules. The final big twist in the formation of the mutant nation of Krakoa, is that Xavier and Magneto open its borders to any mutant – including the entire rogues gallery of X-Men evil mutants!
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Indeed, the final pages of House of X #5 features a montage of X-Men villains both classic and new pouring into Krakoa. Those climatic panels are packed with X-Men villains, so many that most fans would understandably have trouble naming them all. Thankfully, we’ve done the work of breaking down every panel in detail; Scroll down for the full list of All the X-Men Villains That Appear in House of X #5!
(Note: Villains are listed in the order they appear in the comic!)


Random is a shape-shifting bounty hunter that was created by Dark Beast. He served alongsideย X-Factor as an anti-hero type in the ’90s. He later joined Exodus’ Acolytes and eventually came to fight with the Utopia X-Men against Bastion.ย

Wildsideย is the feral knock-off Wolverine/Sabertoothย Rob Liefeldย created to be part of Stryfe’sย Mutant Liberation Front. He has the power to distort people’s senses, but never uses it, instead preferring to act like knock-off Sabertooth.ย
Mr. Sinister

Mr. Sinister is welcomed into Krakoa, but asย Powers of Xย #4 revealed, this Sinister may just be a decoy for what the trulyย sinisterย Sinister is up to…ย
Lady Mastermind

The daughter of the original Mastermind, Regan Wyngardeย has become a formidable X-Men villain and illusionist in her own right. Recent years have seen her make peace with the team and even join for a time… though she tends to end up back on the villain side of things.ย

One of the oldest X-Men villains around, Mesmeroย has the ability to control the minds of others. After getting his powers back following “M-Day,” he started his own version of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.ย

Another mutant with psychic/illusionaryย powers, Mentalloย is another ’60s classic X-Men villain that Hickman is trotting again. Mentalloย standing side-by-side with Lady Mastermind, Mesmeroย and Sinister may hint that these villains are about to play one hell of a mind-game on Krakoa…ย

A character from Brian Michel Bendis’ X-Men run, Animaxย can create genetic monsters using her own DNA.ย
Sebastian Shaw

The Hellfire Club master Sebastian Shaw was seemingly dead – but reports of his demise have been wrong before. He shows up at Krakoaย seeming to be much more subdued than we usually see the Alpha-level mutant.ย

Sebastian Shaw as standing next to Seleneย for his Krakoaย entry, which could be a major sign of why he’s back. The “psychic vampire” is a sorceressesย that has resurrected the evil dead from X-Men’s past before, so who’s to say she’s not at it again?ย

Monet St. Croix’sย brother Marius is another vampiric-type X-Men villain, having been a major antagonist ofย Generation X. He sucks the marrow out of mutants, and even transforms victims into other “Emplates” like himself. His arrival at Krakoa is ominous, to say the least.ย

One of the older mutants still walking Earth, Exodus has become his own general since first coming up in Magneto’s shadow. He has put the cause of greater mutant good at the forefront before, and seems to be doing so again by joining Krakoa.ย

Gorgon is a member of The Hand and leader of the mutant Death-cult Dawn of the White Light, which terrorized Japan. His power allows him to turn people to stone through eyesight, hence his name. He once joined the second Dark Avengers, masquerading as the second iteration of Dark Wolverine. The real Wolverine won’t be pleased to see his arrive on Krakoa.ย

One of the oldestย and most iconic X-Men characters, Callistoย is back yet again, seen flanking Exodus and Gorgon on Krakoa. Callistoย has always occupied a midground between the dreams of Xavier and Magneto, establishing and leading the Morlockย community in the sewers of NYC. She recently started the New Morlocks as a haven for both humans and mutants, but by coming to Krakoa, it seems she’s back furthering the agenda of her own people.ย

Yes, Apocalypse has had a most interesting role in theย House of X / Powers of Xย storyline, as we’ve learned Marvel’sย original mutant is much more heroic than we originally thought. Apocalypse is in many ways *the* key figure in making Xavier’s dream of a full-united mutantkindย work on Krakoa, and so far, the mutant overlord seems to be proud of following that vision.ย

A leader of the 2nd generation of Morlocks, Marrow was a character who came out of the ’90s and grew into a staple of the X-Men Universe. She has since served on X-Force and joined a new versin of Magneto’s brotherhood. Inย House of Xย she seems to have reverted back to her ’90s look.ย

The super-strong and nearly invulnerable Frenzy has served Apocalypse, Sinister, Magneto, and Xavier at different points. Who she’ll stand by in this new Krakoanย world order remains to be seen…
Black Tom

Black Tom Cassidyย has been through so many changes over the years, as Marvel has tried to find a proper form and place for the X-Men villain. He was a living plant for awhile, but after M-Day he’s back to his human form, and up to his old “bad” tricks again.ย

Nightcrawler’sย daddy is shown draped in shadow during the Krakoaย scene, but given howย House of X / Powers of Xย has suggested the demon realm is going to once again play a major role in X-Men, it makes sense that he’s here.