Robert Downey Jr. Reveals Kraglin's Unseen Appearance in New Avengers: Endgame Photo

Fans are still dissecting all of the major character returns and reveals in Avengers: Endgame, and [...]

Fans are still dissecting all of the major character returns and reveals in Avengers: Endgame, and it looks like yet another one was hiding in plain sight. A new photo from Iron Man actor Robert Downey Jr., which shows the cast and crew for the Marvel Studios epic, confirms that one character did, in fact, factor into the final battle, although he might not have been easy to spot.

The full photo, which you can check out below, features an appearance from Kraglin (Sean Gunn), who appears to be sporting a pretty sweet chrome mohawk. If you're having trouble spotting Kraglin, he can be seen behind Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige in the second photo.

While Kraglin wasn't clearly shown in the film's final battle, some Marvel fans had assumed that he would make an appearance in some form or fashion, especially since Gunn was already performing the motion capture for Rocket Raccoon in the film.

"I feel like the word epic is so played out. I wish that word wasn't used so often because that's really the word." Gunn said of Endgame in an interview with earlier this year. "Let's just say it's going to be something else entirely and it was an amazing experience for me. You know, having done Rocket for those two movies, I never imagined that it would go beyond. You know, I always sort of thought that a lot of my role as Rocket was being a help to the process for my brother. So when Kevin Feige came to me at Comic-Con a few years ago and he pulled me aside and he said, "Listen, we've been talking and we really, we want Rocket to be as great in the Avengers movies as he is in the Guardians movies, so we really need you to do this."

"I was not expecting that, but I was certainly game to do it." Gunn continued. "And then being on set with all these new groups of people and new directors and just part of such a massive experience is something that I will never recreate it in my career. I'm never going to do another movie that I'm going to be like, "Oh, this is kind of like what it was like to do the Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame." It'll never happen again. So I really tried to savor every part of it. But yeah, man, it is something else entirely."

Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame are in theaters now. Spider-Man: Far From Home will land in theaters on July 2nd.


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