'Captain Marvel' Charges Up In New Image

A new Captain Marvel image has shown up online, and it shows Brie Larson's hero charging up to [...]

A new Captain Marvel image has shown up online, and it shows Brie Larson's hero charging up to take down the unfortunate person who decided to pick a fight with her.

The new image comes from Luma Pictures, who is the Visual Effects Studio currently working on Captain Marvel. A version of this image was previously shown on the EW cover, but this version is darker, allowing you to really see the detail in her hands and gauntlets as she charges up to unleash some energy blasts (via Cosmic Book News).

You can check out the photo below.


This is also part of the effect that accompanies Captain Marvel going into Binary Mode when her power is truly unleashed. In the books, she didn't achieve this until she was experimented on by the Brood and saved by the X-Men, but we doubt the Brood will be making an appearance in the film. Still, we're glad to see Binary being included in some way, and we can't wait to see the damage she can do when that is unleashed.

While the announcement of Larson taking on the role of Captain Marvel was met with immense positivity, it took her a bit before accepting to play the part.

"I never saw myself doing something like this, mostly because I like being anonymous," Larson told EW. "I like disappearing into characters, and I always felt like if I was out in the public eye too much, it potentially limits you in the future."

She also didn't feel like much of an action star. "I was an introvert with asthma before this movie," Larson said. "I really thought when they hired me, 'I am the worst choice for an action movie.' And I didn't know that I had a little Keanu Reeves in me! Who knew?"

Eventually, though she took on the part, and she's thrilled about bringing this character to the screen.

"Just seeing a character who says how she feels and says what's on her mind and doesn't let people stand in her way is incredibly empowering," Larson said.

Captain Marvel stars Academy Award-winner Brie Larson (Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Ben Mendelsohn, Djimon Hounsou (Korath), Lee Pace (Ronan), Lashana Lynch, Gemma Chan (Minn-Erva), Algenis Perez Soto, Rune Temte, McKenna Grace, Kenneth Mitchell (Joseph Danvers), with Clark Gregg (Phil Coulson), and Jude Law.

Captain Marvel launches on March 8, 2019.