'Deadpool 2' Reportedly Adding More Cable and Domino in Reshoots

The rumor mill was kicked into overdrive this week as word of Deadpool 2 test screenings were [...]

The rumor mill was kicked into overdrive this week as word of Deadpool 2 test screenings were received poorly by audiences. That, mixed with the reshoots taking place in February, has insiders wondering if the latest X-Men spinoff will be a stinker.

But a new rumor posited by Collider's Steven Weintraub suggests the reshoots are being done to add more scenes with Josh Brolin's and Zazie Beetz's characters, Cable and Domino respectively, in response to the test screenings — not because the movie required significant reshoots to salvage.

"In January, they did the first test screening where it's scored, I heard, like a 90, 91. And then they did another screening based on editing the movie after getting notes back," Weintraub said. "The crowd sees it, right, the studio looks at, it they make changes. So the second screening happened and … I heard it scored much higher, a high 90, and then what happened was both crowds at these screenings said they love Josh Brolin as Cable, they loved Domino, but that they would like to see more of both characters in the movie."

In the video on Collider's YouTube channel, Weintraub attributed what he heard to multiple unnamed sources. He teased some cameos that made fans happy, and that Fox is taking advantage of the planned reshoots to respond to demands from the test screening feedback.

It should also be noted that 20th Century Fox pushed the release date for Deadpool 2 up two weeks from June 1, putting it in theaters ahead of Solo: A Star Wars Story rather than after it. In a crowded month, this is a bold move as Star Wars movies tend to dominate the box office.

But Fox seems to have faith in the Merc With the Mouth, possibly due to the mixed reception of The Last Jedi and the tumultuous production of the Han Solo spinoff. They probably wouldn't have done that if the movie was perceived to be a disaster. Even if both films turn out decent, Fox obviously is confident their movie can compete with the Lucasfilm juggernaut.

Whether or not this pans out remains to be seen because at this point, it's become a pair of insiders playing "he said, he said." We won't find out how well Deadpool 2 is received until the film actually hits theaters.

Deadpool 2 premieres on May 18th.


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