How Many Post-Credits Scene Does Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Have?

Marvel fans will finally be able to explore new corners of the MCU with the release of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and many want to know how many post-credits scenes the latest Marvel project has included. While we won't be spoiling what those post-credits scenes will be, we can now reveal how many there are to cap off Stephen Strange's latest adventure after the movie screened at the world premiere event. So if you want to know how many to expect without having them spoiled for you, we have you covered.

We're here to tell you that there are two credits scenes in the new Doctor Strange, so be sure to wait around for both when you head out to see the movie. And that's all we're going to say about it until everyone has had a chance to see it.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness dives headfirst into the concepts of the multiverse that were introduced in Spider-Man: No Way Home and Loki. It has the potential to be a game-changer for the future of the MCU, opening up endless possibilities moving forward.

This new Doctor Strange film also represents Sam Raimi's return to Marvel movies. The acclaimed director helmed the original Tobey Maguire Spider-Man trilogy, but has spent 15 years away from comic book adaptations. In addition to making his Marvel comeback, Raimi brought one of his old Spider-Man collaborators with him. Legendary composer Danny Elfman, who scored all three Spider-Man movies, joined Raimi in his Doctor Strange journey.

"I loved Michael Giacchino's Doctor Strange music and I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to work together but I need Danny Elfman by my side," Raimi told's Brandon Davis in an exclusive interview. "He's like my long-lost brother and he's really a storyteller. He helps me tell the story with his music, but it was wonderful. He loved the Doctor Strange theme and incorporated it into his musical score which was so funny for me because that composer incorporated some of Danny's pieces into [Spider-ManNo Way Home."

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness arrives in theaters this Friday.