First 'Avengers: Endgame' Featurette Released

With the calendar inching closer to April, Marvel Studios has released their first featurette for [...]

With the calendar inching closer to April, Marvel Studios has released their first featurette for Avengers: Endgame, a quick video that sits down with Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige and some of the Avengers as they explain how the Avengers will bounce back against Thanos (Josh Brolin). The video features no new footage, rather continuing to show clips already seen in either trailer or the handful of new television spots. As before, the video includes the footage of heroes dusting away interlaced with the new snippets of Endgame.

"We lost, and we're not used to losing," Chris Evans says of the situation the Avengers in themselves in. "The good thing is it's always easier to build people back up after they're broken down and that's something Marvel is great at doing. It's that shred of hope that everyone's looking for."

"The fan's reaction to the end of Infinity War when half their favorite characters turned to dust really was indicative of how emotionally connected the world has gotten to these characters," Feige said of the initial reaction to Infinity War.

That's not the first time Feige brought up the reaction of fans to Thanos' Decimation. Late last year, Feige admitted that the dusted ending and the subsequent reaction is exactly what Marvel Studios wanted.

"And that ending, which we had been working on for many years, and I do remember people, on all of the movies we've made and I'm sure on many of the movies we'll make in the future, whenever the good guy wins, which is often — good guy, good woman, good hero wins — they go, 'Eh, it's kind of predictable. Good guy wins,'" Feige added. "Well, sometimes that's fun. But for years I remember thinking, 'I wonder what they're going to do when they don't?' Because we knew that was coming. And it couldn't have been better. The reaction was the best. The reaction. Was. The. Best."

Captain Marvel is in theaters now and will be followed up by Avengers: Endgame on April 26th.

Who do you think makes it through Endgame alive? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!


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