Guardians of the Galaxy Director James Gunn Has Officially Seen Potato Groot

You may have noticed that the beloved Guardians of the Galaxy character, Groot, was trending on [...]

You may have noticed that the beloved Guardians of the Galaxy character, Groot, was trending on Twitter earlier today. Marvel fans were showing their love for the character, but it all started with an extremely bizarre post. @akor_attah went viral for posting a photo of a potato that looked liked Groot, and the post has made its way to Guardians of the Galaxy director, James Gunn.

"I can't be the only one that sees Groot," the original post read. "What'd you do to Baby Groot, dude?," Gunn replied with a frowny face. You can check out the now-famous potato in the post below:

During a recent Q&A, Gunn revealed that fans shouldn't expect to see adult Groot again. "Sadly that original Groot is no longer with us," Gunn shared. "So unless there is a prequel of some type, we won't see him again."

Gunn has been busy working on The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker for DC, but he is expected to return to Marvel for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. In fact, he recently while answering more fan questions on social media, and revealed that the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 script is "written and most of the production heads have been hired."

Guardians star Dave Bautista (Drax) was one of the first people to mention the filming schedule earlier this year and he confirmed some of the film's plans have changed since Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was released.

"I believe it's okay to say that we will go into production late next year," Bautista shared. "I saw a script early on when we were all on schedule and James Gunn was attached before everything went nutso. I believe because [Marvel's] whole calendar has changed [due to the pandemic shutdown and Guardians' production delays], that storylines have changed, and they won't intersect like originally planned. Obviously, we lost Chadwick [Boseman], so I don't know where that leaves Black Panther. I haven't seen a new script, is the short answer."

What do you think of potato Groot? Tell us in the comments!

Guardians of the Galaxy and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 are both currently available to stream on Disney+. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 does not yet have a release date but is expected to be released sometime in 2023. The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special is expected to drop on Disney+ in December 2022.