Marvel Teases Special Announcement for Tomorrow

Marvel Comics is teasing a new announcement for tomorrow, promising a big reveal that will likely [...]

Marvel Comics is teasing a new announcement for tomorrow, promising a big reveal that will likely include some of their flagship heroes.

The publisher's social media account published a graphic that looks like a TV screen title card used for technical difficulties that reads "Please Stand By," along with the symbols for Black Panther, Captain America, Captain Marvel, and Spider-Man. Check it out below.

The image is very reminiscent of the loading screens for the Fallout video game series, a post-apocalyptic adventure that used '60s era imagery as part of the aesthetic.

There's no word yet on what Marvel could possibly be teasing, so don't rule out a crossover with Bethesda's popular franchise just yet. But since the image includes a hashtag pointing to their comic division, we're betting it has to do with a major new series or multiple series tied to their biggest characters.

In recent weeks, Marvel has announced a new Avengers series by Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness, featuring some of their heaviest hitters in a story that will span across time.

They also just revealed the new event series Infinity Wars by Gerry Duggan, Mike Deodato, and Frank Martin. That series will build off of threads that were weaved through titles like Duggan's Guardians of the Galaxy and the various titles where Wolverine has popped up since his resurrection.

It remains to be seen if either of these comics has to do with tomorrow's announcement, but fans can expect Marvel to make a partial reveal at the least in the morning.

Marvel has been making waves with their Fresh Start initiative, attempting to lure back lapsed readers after missteps over the course of several high profile relaunches. We'll find out what the House of Ideas has up their sleeves, and start gauging the fan reaction, tomorrow when the official reveal is made.