In The Marvel Cinematic Universe, Kevin Feige Confirms "Nobody Is Unkillable"

Captain Marvel saw the introduction of Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) to the Marvel Cinematic [...]

Captain Marvel saw the introduction of Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and by the time the movie wraps, Danvers seemingly has an infinite amount of power. Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige admits that while Danvers was seen as invincible in Captain Marvel, there's not a single character in the larger MCU that's actually unkillable. Speaking with SlashFilm, Feige admits a fact that's sure to put many fans on the edge of their seat with Avengers: Endgame looming large.

"Well, the point of this movie was to see her exactly as you said, unleashed, unchained," Feige says of Captain Marvel. "What happens when she taps into her full potential not being held back? So it was not the time to hold back. It was not the time to emphasize limitations or loss. We'd seen that over the course of the rest of the movie. We wanted to see her cut loose."

With Endgame hitting theaters next month, many MCU fans are concerned their favorite characters will hit the end of the road on-screen. Feige's comment essentially confirms that nobody in the shared entertainment universe can outrun Lady Death, whether it be an incredibly powerful being like Danvers or MCU stalwarts such as Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Steve Rogers (Chris Evans).

"In future stories, well, none of the Marvel characters are immortal," Feige continues. "Even ones that seem immortal, some people might be very hard to kill, but nobody's unkillable. So if we're lucky enough to see future adventures with Captain Marvel, of course there will be limitations and there will be Achilles heels and there will be things that we learn and see that it's not as easy as a slicing through whatever she wants to at any point. But this wasn't the time to accentuate that."

The fourth Avengers movie has been long-touted as the culmination of the MCU to this point, leading many fans to believe that some major tentpole characters could end up biting the dust, no pun intended.

Avengers: Infinity War is now streaming on Netflix while Captain Marvel enters its second week in theaters. Other upcoming films on the Marvel Studios release slate include Avengers: Endgame on April 26th and Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5th.

Who do you think will be killed in Avengers: Endgame? Do you think all six of the original Avengers will make it out alive? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or join the conversation on Twitter by hitting me up at @AdamBarnhardt!