Marvel Studios hosted an Open House event on Monday afternoon, which saw select members of the media walking through the doors of the studio’s headquarters for the first time.
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While the studio showed off several looks at their upcoming slate of films in the form of concept art and never-before-seen footage for projects such as Black Panther, Thor: Ragnarok, and Spider-Man: Homecoming, the office in itself was something to admire.
Walls were covered with art work from the live action takes on characters like Iron Man, Ant-Man, Captain America, Doctor Strange, Thor, the Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Black Panther and more. Iconic props from films lined conference room walls and and a hall of Iron Man armor greeted guests in the lobby.
In common areas of the office, Marvel Studios permitted the press to take photos.
Hall of Armor

The Marvel Studios HQ lobby is decked out with three movie accurate Iron Man suits. In the middle is the Mark V suit seen in Iron Man 2. To its left is the Mark II suit which Tony built when testing the suits in 2008’s first Marvel Cinematic Universe endeavor and to its right is the Mark VII, which was also featured in Iron Man 2.
Around the corner from the lobby was the Mark I suit — which was actually worn by Robert Downey Jr in Iron Man when his Tony Stark character escaped the clutches of the 10 Rings terrorist organization.
Several other character props lined hallways, including costumes for Star-Lord, Gamora, Ant-Man, Captain America, Thor, and Doctor Strange.
Strange’s Relics

Relics from the world of Doctor Strange were displayed in a case beside his costume in one hallway of the Marvel Studios office.
Interestingly enough, a relic representing Tina Minoru, a character known as the mother of Runaways characterย Nico Minoruย is seen on display. The character has been introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe through Doctor Strange but also the movie’s prequel comic which is canon to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Also featured are relics for Mordo, The Ancient One, Wong, Sol Rama, Daniel Drumm, Kaecilius, Hamir, and Dr. Strange. Daniel Drumm, also known as Brother Voodoo, has yet to be introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.ย

Staying within the vein of Doctor Strange, the looming villain from his film was on display in the Marvel Studios HQ in the form of a huge painting on the wall.ย
Dormammuย was captured in neon colors slapped into a lounge area, offering a look at the villain who may be the most powerful in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.
In Doctor Strange, Benedict Cumberbatchย voiced and performed the motion capture elements which brought Dormammuย to the scenes in which he bargained with Strange.

A dreamy collection of Marvel Comics lined the hallways opposite the entrance lobby to Marvel Studios headquarters.
Not only were decades of Marvel Comics books collected on the shelves but several iconic props for Marvel Cinematic Universe productions were mixed into the display which any nerd would sell their leg for.ย
Included among the props was the little alien rats Peter Quill once used as a microphone, Captain America’s shield, Thor’s hammer, an Iron Man mask, and the Eye of Agamotto. It’s a collection which Marvel fans can only dream about feasting their eyes on, let alone having in their home!

Several of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s heroes’ had costumes on display. Upon arrival, guests or employees at Marvel Studios will see the latest costumes being featured. This time around, the studio kept Gamora and Peter Quill’s outfitsย on display at their lobby’s entrance.
Inside, the earlier mentioned hall lined with costumes offers detailed looks at the get ups Paul Rudd, Chris Evans, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johanssonย and others wore in their portrayals of Marvel heroes.ย
Along with the costumes were several props, such as the discs Ant-Man uses to alter the size of objects around him, Thor’s Mjolnir hammer, Captain America’s shield, and his classic hat used in Captain America: The First Avenger.