
Morbius Has Been Delayed More Than The New Mutants And Fans Are Worried


Marvel fans realized that Morbius has been delayed more than The New Mutants today and people are starting to worry. No one thought we would see a movie get moved four times again anytime soon, but along came Sony Pictures’ next trip into the Spider-Verse. New Mutants wasn’t exactly received well, so there is some weight to the anxiety. However, Spider-Man adjacent movies tend to do well at the box office. Look over your shoulder at the towering amount of money that Spider-Man: No Way Home has managed to squirrel away in just a few short weeks. Sony, smartly, has leaned all the way into the multiverse concept in their marketing for Morbius. It remains to be seen if that gambit will make more people turn up to the theaters. Jared Leto has a veritable hive of fans as well that will be itching to get into the theater on April 1st. However, all these points do little to persuade those who are looking for where it might fall short.

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New Mutants director Josh Boone talked to about the reception to his film. It wasn’t what they had hoped, but he wasn’t going to let it bring him down.^tfw

“There still are references to the X-Men universe,” Boone explained “It’s just like we made this at such a strange time in the circumstances under which we made it was strange, which was, we didn’t know there was gonna be a merger till we finished shooting. So we made the movie thinking it was the first of three. And then eventually we dovetail with [Simon Kinberg]’s X-Men movies. And eventually they’d come together like in a big Marvel type way. But you know, that’s not what happened. And it’s like, everything sort of got flipped upside down where it’s like, we had to do a really good job this last time I went into the edit, making sure it didn’t feel too much, like there were too many loose ends to be followed up on in another movie. So most of the little bit of work I did when I came back was to make sure that those tendrils were fixed.”

How do you feel Morbius will shake out? Let us know down in the comments!

Checks out^tfw


Responses will be interesting^tfw

A lot of people are saying^tfw

Some issues^tfw

The movie had a lot going on^tfw

Don’t say that^tfw

It was a time^tfw