
What Will Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse Be About?


Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is now out in theaters, and even though we always knew that the films was only going to be part one of a two-part story, few could’ve seen how drastic that cut-off would be. Now, Spider-Man fans everywhere are all asking the same question: what will the next film, Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse be about?ย 

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Across the Spider-Verse Ending Explained


The big twist ending to Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse saw Miles Morales make a dark discovery about his Spider-Man origin: he was not an ally to the dimension-hopping Spider Society like he wanted to be: he was one of the biggest anomalies that had upset the multiverse in the first place. The spider that gave Miles his powers was pulled into the wrong dimension by Kingpin’s collider machine โ€“ it was originally meant for the Miles Morales of Earth-42.ย 

After escaping the dimension where Spider Society HQ is located, Miles accidentally ends up on Earth-42, where he discovered that a lack of Spider-Man made NYC a much more crime-ridden place. Miles discovered that his father Aaron was killed on duty as a cop, before being captured by his Uncle Aaron and his own variant self, who became The Prowler. Meanwhile, Gwen Stacy gathered together some Spider-Man variants more loyal to Miles than the Spider Society and headed off into the multiverse to find her friend.ย 

What Will Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse Be About?


Based on where Across the Spider-Verse cut things off, it seems fairly easy to speculate where the story of Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse will go next โ€“ at least up to a point.ย 

Every Spider-Verse film so far has opened with a major battle sequence prologue that galvanizes the main story โ€“ so why would we expect Beyond the Spider-Verse to buck that trend โ€“ especially when it is so clearly set up for just that?ย 

Miles Morales’ first challenge will be escaping from the clutches of his Prowler variant, and all the criminals he’s possibly connected with (The Sinister Six). In a world overrun by criminals, however, Miles will definitely need help. It should be expected that the first act of Beyond the Spider-Verse will cover how Miles escapes, battles, and/or turns his evil self into an ally, instead of an enemy; at the same time, Gwen’s team will probably be looking to rescue Miles and will be headed to Earth-42 for what is likely one of the first big battle sequences that will be in the film (Miles and Gwen’s Spider Squad vs. Prowler, the Sinister Six, etc.).ย 

Whatever the resolution is on Earth-42, it’s hard to imagine that there will be a direct line from Earth-42 back to Miles’ home dimension: after all, this is a Spider-Verse movie we’re talking about; going back down to just one or two universes of the multiverses isn’t enough. Most likely there will be some additional dimension-hopping required before Miles and Gwen’s Spider Squad can defeat both Spider-Man 2099 and the Spider Society, as well as The Spot, and the major multiversal danger he’s become, after hopping universes and amassing an unstable amount of power. It’d be a funny callback to have Miles, Gwen, and Peter B. Parker have to locate some MacGuffin (or doodad, doohicky, or goober) that is required for them to defeat The Spot without causing a disruption ofย  the Spider-Verse “Canon.”ย 


Finally, once all MacGuffins are obtained, and travel back to Miles’s home dimension is possible, We’ll probably see the biggest showdown yet, with all parties of the Spider-Verse Trilogy (maybe even Kingpin?) all coming together to fulfill the vision Miles saw, of his father dying during the final fight. Whether that prophecy comes to pass or not, will be the main thematic point: does Spider-Man always have to suffer great personal loss? Or is Miles the one who will completely change the odds?ย 

Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse will be in theaters on March 29, 2024.ย