'Spider-Man: Far From Home': Mysterio Is a Hero Brought In by Nick Fury

While lucky fans in Brazil got to see the full trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home, the rest of [...]

While lucky fans in Brazil got to see the full trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home, the rest of us are left scouring the internet for details and descriptions.

But we're still getting some news from CCXP, where stars Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal are offering some intriguing details about the new movie and the big screen debut of classic Spidey villain Mysterio.

Speaking with Omelete at the event, Gyllenhaal revealed that Mysterio is actually a hero who teams up with Spider-Man.

"There are these threats to the world, the Elementals, elemental creatures. And Mysterio is someone who knows about them and wants to make sure that the world is safe from them," said Gyllenhaal. "And Nick Fury asks him to come on and help because he's the only one who really understands them. And then he teams up with friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and unfortunately has to make him become more than a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."

It's unclear just why Fury would rely on Quentin Beck to help Spider-Man take down the so-called Elementals, but the character could be an agent of SHIELD. Or he could be an up-and-coming hero that Fury's been keeping tabs on with hopes of grooming him into the mold of the Avengers.

Either way, fans should expect a fall from grace or a big reveal, followed by an epic confrontation (according to some recent set photos). Of course, anyone who is familiar with the comics wouldn't be surprised if Mysterio ends up being the villain; in fact, we're pretty much counting on it.

Gyllenhaal's comments on pushing Spider-Man to be something else falls in line with the title Far From Home, which seems to be about pushing Peter Parker out of his comfort zone. As a kid with a firm grasp on right and wrong, perhaps we can see the beginnings of Spider-Man setting foot in some grey areas.

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige previously teased the meaning of the title, and how the international jaunt is but one aspect.

"Well, I mean, sure, let the speculation begin. That's always fun," Feige said to ComicBook.com. "We like [the title] of course because it ties into Homecoming, not just keeping that word going, which we like and we liked it more than Homecoming 2, but that notion of 'home' is a word that has dual meanings we'd like to continue with this [Marvel Cinematic Universe] version of Spider-Man. So, Far From Home has multiple meanings."

Spider-Man: Far From Home premieres in theaters on July 5, 2019.