Next year, Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios will debut their joint film for Spider-Man. The beloved comic book hero made his latest theatrical appearance with Captain America: Civil War, and fans praised the vigilante’s inclusion. Hype over Spider-Man has revived previously scrapped projects based on the comic book franchise. And, now, an executive at Sony is hinting “real news” about a Venom spin-off will come soon.
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Tom Rothman, the chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment’s Motion Picture Group, told Collider news about future Spider-Man spin-offs will be released before long.
“We’re working on a lot of that stuff,” he said. “There’s a concerted effort, so I think there will be real news as opposed to speculated news before too long.”
The executive also took time to talk about Spider-Man: Homecoming and his excitement to work with Marvel Studios. “It’s fabulous. We’re really excited about it,” Rothman said about Sony Pictures’ partnership with Marvel.
“We wrapped filming the new Spider-Man about a week ago. There’s a little pick-up shooting being done now but [it’s] pretty much done. It’s fantastic.”
Of course, fans are more than excited to see Homecoming hit theaters. The cast and crew working on the film have spoken openly about the film’s progress and shared updates with fans on social media. Tom Holland, who play Peter Parker, has been particularly visible on Instagram as he posts selfies and behind-the-scene videos of himself donning Spider-Man’s suit.
If a spin-off is to come, fans are speculating Venom will be its star. The Hollywood Reporter published an article earlier this year that alleged the villain would get his own film. The site said Dante Harper had been tasked with writing a script for the feature. It’s not known which iteration of Venom that Sony Pictures is looking at, but fans believe the spin-off will stand alone from Homecoming.
Fans have seen Venom on the big screen before. The character appeared in Spider-Man 3 and was played by Topher Grace. The film and character were panned by critics, a fact that disappointed many given Venom’s rich history. The character dates back to the late 1980s when David Micheline, Mike Zeck, and Todd McFarlane created him. Originally a villain, Venom has since been portrayed as an anti-hero and even card-carrying member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Rotham also took time during the interview to talk about The Dark Tower, an upcoming adaptation of Stephen King’s eponymous novel. The film stars Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey as two time-traveling gunslingers who are at odds. The executive said fans should expect to see the film’s first teaser trailer no later than Christmas.
So, what do you think? Would you like to see a Venom spin-off film after Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theaters? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!