Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer Reveals New Green Goblin Costume

It's official, the Green Goblin is back. Sony released the second trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home Tuesday night, and it was packed to the brim with all sorts of teases for fans of the franchise. Shortly after popping up on the film's official teaser poster, Green Goblin was finally seen in his momentous return—and he even brought a new costume with him.

For a brief moment, Goblin can be seen traveling through the sky, hurling out a handful of his iconic pumpkin bombs at what's sure to be Spider-Man (Tom Holland) and his friends below. Noticeably absent from the villain's suit is his iconic Goblin helmet.

Dafoe has been asked about the return on a few occasions throughout the year, but he's always played coy. In an interview in August, he said he'd only want to talk about the project if—and only if—the movie came out.

"I'm afraid so," Dafoe explained. "I got lots of stuff happening now. And, you know, I always feel like when a film comes out, that's when it's time to talk about it."

Now just a month away from release, Sony has been holding much of its marketing campaign back to help maintain some sort of secrecay around the film. Under the new deal, Sony has been collaborating with Marvel Studios on certain marketing opportunities, according to Disney Studios marketing chief asad Ayaz.

"Sony is absolutely handling the marketing for Spider-Man. Kevin Feige and his team are closely partnering with the Sony team on those. So there is coordination in that sense," Ayaz told The Hollywood Reporter. "We also make sure we are aware of who is dropping what when. But we are not working together on the campaigns because it's their film. They are handling it but there is a level of coordination to make sure that it's a win-win for everybody."

Spider-Man: No Way Home is set for release on December 17th. What other Spidey-family characters do you think will end up appearing in the upcoming feature? Let us know your thoughts either in the comments section or by hitting our writer @AdamBarnhardt up on Twitter to chat all things MCU!