Stan Lee’s Restraining Order Details Revealed

Earlier today, reports went live regarding Stan Lee’s latest legal move. Not long ago, The [...]

Earlier today, reports went live regarding Stan Lee's latest legal move. Not long ago, The Hollywood Reporter revealed the iconic comics writer has requested a restraining order against his business manager Keya Morgan. And, thanks to a new report, fans can learn some specifics about the injunction.

According to The Blast, documents obtained by the site detail the events which led Lee's attorney to file the order. The request says that Morgan has put Lee's personal wellbeing at risk by isolating him from loved ones by using "undue influence."

In fact, the website says Morgan's influence went beyond what many expected. Fans did suspect Morgan was monopolizing Lee's public Twitter handle, but The Blast is reporting that Morgan even moved Lee from his longtime Beverly Hills mansion and into a condo. The move is said to have taken place on June 8, and the documents allege Lee was cut off from friends shortly thereafter.

According to the lawyer, the order was filed on Lee's behalf to protect the writer's $50 million estate by blocking "financial predators" from contacting him. The request goes on to say that Lee is suffering from various ailments which make it hard for him to combat the control Morgan has placed upon him.

The report also details more about Morgan's recent arrest by the Los Angeles Police Department. The manager was placed into custody for falsifying a police report, and but The Blast's documents claim Morgan did so twice.

"According to the documents, Morgan allegedly fabricated two 911 calls, one claiming burglars had entered Lee's home and locked everyone out of the house, and another claiming a security guard had committed assault with a deadly weapon," the site explains.

After the request was filed, the restraining order was granted. Morgan must stay 100 yards away from Lee until a hearing next month. Lee's attorney writes that the order is needed to prevent Morgan from removing the Marvel mastermind from his home and warding off future abuse. As of now, Lee has been returned to his home in Beverly Hills.

Since the death of his wife Joan Lee in 2017, the writer's personal life has fallen into public disarray. On more than one occasion, someone has stolen from Lee's home or embezzled money from his savings. In-fighting amongst his inner circle even led to the firing of his longtime road manager Max Anderson, and reports continue popping up that those left in Lee's posse are closely monitoring his public appearances.

What do you make of Lee's latest legal move? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics, k-pop, and anime!