“I am Groot.”
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That is the central thesis of an essay, delivered to one teacher by a student asked to analyze one of the Marvel characters on their own terms. The phrase, as one might guess, was repeated quite a few times in the paper.
Principles of Engineering teacher Jeffrey Scott Davis at Hirschi High School in Wichita Falls, Texas, asked his students to write a resume and cover letter as a Marvel character. The result? One student chose Groot, delivering what we are guessing is either a thousand-word essay, or three words delivered 333 times, depending on how you count it.
My students had to pick a Marvel character to embody within a resume and cover letter. The idea that you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take lives within one particular student of mine. @RobertDowneyJr @prattprattpratt @vindiesel #iamwfisd #wfisdengineering @WFISD_CEC pic.twitter.com/7pddcxebsK
— Jeffrey Scott Davis M. Ed. (@ROBODAVISWFISD) May 8, 2018
For obvious privacy reasons, Davis did not share the name of the student in question, but to no one’s surprise, whoever wrote it has been receiving rave reviews and golf claps from around the internet.
One minor quibble: that second page doesn’t exactly look like traditiona letter format! He got all the formatting right on the resume part, but that cover letter could use a little tweaking. Hopefully Davis informed him so, while speaking in Groot to ease the apparent language barrier.
Maybe next year, Hirschi can offer the language as an elective.
No word yet on what grade the student will have received, although as long as it was properly formatted, one hopes he got an “A,” since he clearly answered in the spirit of the assignment. Alternatively, Davis could return the paper with a grade that reads only “I am Groot” and leave the student wondering.
Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War are now playing in theaters. Ant-Man and The Wasp is set for release on July 6, 2018. Captain Marvel will follow it on March 6, 2019, with the untitled Avengers 4 set to tie everything about the Marvel Cinematic Universe into a bow on May 3, 2019. Leave your Marvel questions and thoughts in the comment section below or send them to @RussBurlingame on Twitter!