Terminally Ill Marvel Fan at Center of #Avengers4Alexander Campaign Still Hasn’t Seen ‘Avengers: Endgame’

The Marvel fan at the center of the #Avengers4Alexander campaign says he’s yet to screen [...]

The Marvel fan at the center of the #Avengers4Alexander campaign says he's yet to screen Avengers: Endgame despite making contact with Marvel Studios owner Disney in January.

Internet users rallied to secure the terminally ill fan, identified as 33-year-old Alexander from South Australia, an early screening of the then-untitled Avengers 4 after Alexander's viral Reddit post stated he "will probably be dead" ahead of the film's late April worldwide launch.

"I haven't seen it," Alexander, posting under the name "alexander_q," wrote in a Reddit comment dated April 16. Endgame releases in Australia April 24.

Calls to fulfill Alexander's dying wish spread across the Internet as Marvel fans signaled the Reddit and Twitter accounts of directors Anthony and Joe Russo, using the hashtag "Avengers4Alexander." Alexander later reported a mutal friend called Thor star Chris Hemsworth, who also hails from Australia, on Alexander's behalf.

Just days later, Alexander reported Disney reached out and the two parties were "discussing options."

In the January 5 post shared to the Marvel Studios subreddit, titled "Dying Before April: My Endgame," Alexander wrote bone marrow failure and his battle with liver and mouth cancer was likely to prove fatal before release of the Avengers: Infinity War sequel.

"I'm not a child or anyone with a particularly tragic story. Just a normal guy," the post reads. "I'm 33, lost my sister three years ago to the same rare genetic disease it turns out I have too. I'll leave behind a devoted girlfriend and an adopted greyhound."

"I thought I'd make it to April at least," Alexander added, "but my bone marrow is toast."

Alexander lives with Fanconi anemia, defined by the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund as "an inherited DNA-repair disease that may lead to bone marrow failure (aplastic anemia), leukemia, and/or solid tumors."

In a reply to the original Reddit thread that went viral, when asked how he's holding up in the face of his battle, Alexander replied: "Not great, but happy to be alive."

Alexander previously encouraged donations to the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, which can be made through its official website.


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