The X-Men Movie Universe is known for many continuity problems, but apparently there are some big continuity secrets as well.
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In a recent interview, X-Men franchise star Halle Berry revealed one such secret that will blow fans minds: Her version of Storm used to be lovers with Hugh Jackman‘s Logan/Woverine!
Speaking to People, Berry said:
Storm and Logan used to be lovers. It’s true. Storm and Logan had a thing… When he really decided that Jean Grey was his [love] โฆ that caused a problem. The having two girls at once thing, that didn’t work for โฆ that doesn’t work for Storm.
As for the type of relationship Storm and Logan had? Berry describes it as “wonderful… for a time.”
The actress is also sure to remind the interviewer (and fans) that this is more than just imagined backstory between actors: In a deleted scene from X-Men: Days of Future Past, the future versions of Storm and Wolverine actually share a kiss before they split up for their suicide missions to change the past and erase the nightmarish future timeline they’re living in.
You can check out that big moment, below:
When Ororo Met Logan…
Like so many things in X-Men continuity, the exact timing of when the Storm/Wolverine romance took place is unclear.
Halle Berry and Hugh Jackmanย are said to have kept the material for their shared backstoryย secretย to fuel the moment in Days of Future Pastย when Wolverine and Storm reveal theirย status as lovers. Berry explained the origin of the romance like this:ย
“I joke in the movies, I’m like, ‘How come nobody’s loving on Storm.’ Like what’s wrong with Storm? Nobody is checking for Storm. So, we decided that Storm and Logan had a thing, and then Jean came and messed that up.”
It’s the final part of the statement that will throw a lot fans (the ones worried about continuity) off. There’s not really a moment in the known continuity of the X-Men movies where Jean Grey could “come in” and mess up a thing between Logan and Storm except when Jean returned from the dead as Dark Phoenix inย X-Men: The Last Standย and Logan was forced to put her down. After that, Logan was heartbroken and sought isolation, leading to the two-part storyย ofย The Wolverineย andย Logan. Clearly, he would’ve never gone back to Storm – except in the twisted future depicted inย Days of Future Past.
Whatever the case, this instance of “kiss and tell” from Halleย Berry will be even more buzzworthyย than her recent feat of drinking more whiskey than herย Kingsmanย co-stars.ย
The X-Men will return in X-Men: Dark Phoenix on November 2, 2018; however, Halle Berry won’t be appearing in that film. A younger version of Storm is now played by actress Alexandra Shipp.