The Power Rangers movie is about to hit theaters, bringing us director Dean Israelite’s bold new vision of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers franchise.
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That new vision includes new versions of franchise staples like the Power Ranger costumes, their Zords, and even their enemies.
The Zords are a particular fixation of the Power Rangers fansbase, and this new movie will be adding to a massive Zord/Megazord canon. In fact, even if you’re the most die-hard Power Rangers fan, you still may not be aware of just how much history the Zords have in the franchise.
Before you head out to see the new Power Rangers movie, Here are 10 Fun Facts About the Zords that you may like to know!
They Come in Multiple Categories
The Zordsย are the Power Rangers’ mecha battle robots, which combine into one big robot, known as a Megazord.ย
However, in the franchise’s many iterations, it has been revealed that the Power Rangers have multiple types of Zordsย at their disposal.ย
There are Carrierzordsย used for transporting other Zords; Warzordsย and Battlezordsย (exactly what they sound like); and the famous Ultrazordsย (when various Megazordsย and Carrierzordsย combine into even bigger robots!).

They Can Form Different Configurations
The other fun thing about the Power Ranger Zords in particular is that they offer more possibilities than most giant robot properties.ย
A Power Rangers team’s Zordsย don’t just form one Meagzordย robot – they can configure into several different forms, as the battle demands.ย
Fans of the originalย Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangersย series will remember how the Zordsย and Dinozordsย could configure with Dragonzordย to form Dragonzordย Battle Mode, or Dino Megazord, or even Ultrazord.
By comparison, Voltronย is pretty lame!

There are HUNDREDS of Them
There have been twenty-four seasons of Power Rangersย spreadย acrossย about twenty shows, and each of the shows has had multiple versions of different variations of Zords.ย
If you’re not a math expert, that means that, altogether, there have been a lotย ofย individual Zordย models. Like, a lot, a lot.ย
As of the latest series, Power Rangers Ninja Steel, there are over 200 Zordย models! That’s just the Zordsย themselves, not the Mega-to-Ultra Zordย combinations they also form!ย
In other words: these Power Rangersย Zordsย are a merch-money faucet that never stops flowing.ย

Some Megazords That Don’t Use Zord Combinations
The main thrust of Power Rangers mythology revolves around the idea of the team using their Zords and the spirit of teamwork to “come together” as Megazord.
However, notย allย Megazordsย come from Zordย combinations.ย
The Delta Megazordย fromย Power Rangers In Spaceย is simply a spaceship that turns into a robot, while other Zordsย like Samurai Star Chopper or Defender Torozordย (a Ranger and a Zordย fused together) use different methods to achieve transformation.ย

Zord Toys Have Been Recycled Into New Toys
The Power Rangers toys are internationally popular – but they have, at times, been known to cut a few corners to make a sale.
Theย Mighty Morphin’ย Power Rangersย series first hit the US in the ’90s, using footage from the 1970s Japanese seriesย Goseiย Sentaiย Dairanger spliced with new footage of the US cast members. That meant that there were also a lot of pieces of merchandise from the Japanese series that was re-packaged and resold in the US.ย
A famous example is the Lion Thunderzord from the originalย MMPR series: In the Japanese series it was a vehicle for the Green Ranger; in the US, it was the Black Ranger’s vehicle. That meant a simple paint job was needed, before the toy was repackaged and sold in the states.

Some Zords are Nearly Extinct
The Dinozordsย in the originalย Mighty Morphin Power Rangersย TV series eventually met their end.ย
It happened in later seasons when the new threat of Lord Zeddย rose up to replace Rita Repulsa. Zeddย and the Power Rangers battled over control of the Zordsย – a battle that eventually ended in the Zords’ destruction during a battle with Rito.ย
However, even though the original Dinozordsย are gone, they left one survivor: Tommy’s Dragonzordย escaped destruction, and is still waiting dormant a the bottom of the sea.ย

There Are Evil Zords
Not all Zordsย have been introduced as tools of the Power Rangers – some have been the tools of evildoers, first and foremost.ย
The Green Ranger and hisย Dragonzord, as well as the Centaurusย and Stratoforceย Megazords, all started off as a tool ofย villains, before becoming allies of the good guys.
The Cyclopsis and Serpenteraย Warzordsย are straight up evil – and in the new Power Rangersย movie, even Goldarย may be Rita Repulsa’sย evil version of a Megazord.

Some Zords Are Alive
While Zordsย are generally considered mechasย (or robots), that’s not one-hundred percent true across the board in Power Rangers canon.ย
Some Zordsย are “alive” in the sense that they are sentient thinking beings.
A lot of the animal-themed Zordsย were sentient (Galactabeasts, Wildzords, Dino Thunder Zords, FoldingZords.Some of the Megazordsย (Galaxy, Defender Torozord, Predazord, Titan) were also sentient.ย

One Ranger Has Piloted the Most Zords By Far
Actor Jason David Frank’s Dr. Tommy Oliver has been the one character to appear in the mostย Power Rangers TV shows – going all the way back to his epic start as the villainous Green Ranger in the originalย Mighty Morphinย Power Rangers TV series.ย
Since Tommy has appeared in so manyย Power Rangersย TV series, it’s only logical that he’s piloted the most Zords.ย
Not only has Tommy piloted over a dozen Zordsย – he’s piloted some of the coolest ones. That includes iconic Zordsย like the Dragonzord, Tigerzord and Ninja Falconzord, and White Shogunzord.

Power Ranger Zords Came Before Voltron’s Lions
Theย Power Rangersย is an import of the ’70s Japanese Super Sentaiย seriesย Himitsu Sentai Goranger,ย which is something that’s always important to remember, when tracking the franchise’s impact on geek culture.ย
Power Rangersย didn’t make to the US until nearly a decade after popular geek-culture staple,ย Voltron – but in real chronology,ย Power Rangers’ย was airing in Japan nearly a decadeย beforeย the fistย Voltronย cartoons (starting withย Beast King GoLion in 1981).ย
So, even thoughย Power Rangersย has had to (and continues to) suffer a lot of criticism for being aย Voltronย clone, the truth is that Voltron’sย ideas for mechanized lions and their pilots was likely influenced by Power Rangers!ย

More Power Rangers News
Currently, Power Rangersย has a respectable 3.51/5 rating in our user rankings for Non-Comic book movies, which tells us that even with some questionable design choices (like eight-legged mastodon and all-gold Goldar), there’s still a general sense of excitement for this flashy superhero action origin story.ย
Are you excited forย Power Rangers? Let us know by rating your anticipation in our rankings below!

Power Rangers is scheduled for release on March 24, 2017.
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Saban’s Power Rangers follows five ordinary teens who must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove – and the world – is on the verge of being obliterated by an alien threat. Chosen by destiny, our heroes quickly discover they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so, they will have to overcome their real-life issues and before it’s too late, band together as the Power Rangers.
Saban’s Power Rangers stars Dacre Montgomery as Jason Lee Scott/the Red Ranger, RJ Cyler as Billy Cranston/the Blue Ranger, Becky G as Trini Kwan/the Yellow Ranger, Ludi Lin as Zack Taylor/the Black Ranger, Naomi Scott as Kimberly Hart/the Pink Ranger, Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa, Bill Hader as Alpha 5, and Bryan Cranston as Zordon.
The film is being directed by Project Almanac-helmer Dean Israelite and was written by Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz.
Are you excited for the Power Rangers to hit the silver screen once again? ย Let us know how much you’re looking forward to movie in the ComicBookย anticipation rankings below!