The Power Rangers are no slouches in battle, but when you have to take down a massive pig named Pudgy the size of a skyscraper, well, martial arts just aren’t going to cut it. The good news is that the Rangers have the ultra powerful Dinozords at their command to get them out of a jam, and all five can even combine to become the even more powerful Megazord.
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There have been numerous versions of the Zords over the years, but the Dinozords (and alumni) from the original series have managed to retain their popularity. Everyone has their favorites, of course, so hit the next slide to see if your favorite Zord took the top spot!
As for the new Zord designs in the upcoming Power Rangers reboot (which currently has a 3.53 out of 5 on’s anticipation rankings), director Dean Israelite recently spoke about their approach to new designs.
“And so everything, you’ll notice, is very organic – from the ship to Alpha-5 to Zordan and the suits – there’s a very organic nature to them, [down to] the Zords. And the Zords become bio-mechanical in a way – and yes they’re going to draw comparisons to Transformers, because they’re big dinosaur machines. But, I think if you take a real close look, the designs are actually very different, and we are trying to be really focused on these organic sort of shapes and bigger pieces to these machines so they don’t feel … hard to decipher. So that bio-mechanical philosophy entered into everything that we were trying to design.”
“Saban’s Power Rangers follows five ordinary high school kids who must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove โ and the world โ is on the verge of being obliterated by an alien threat. Chosen by destiny, our heroes quickly discover that they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so they will have to overcome their real-life issues and band together as the Power Rangers before it is too late.”
Power Rangers stars Bryan Cranston (Zordon), Elizabeth Banks (Rita Repulsa), Naomi Scott (Kimberly/Pink Ranger), David Denman (Sam Scott), Becky G. (Trini/Yellow Ranger), Sarah Grey (Amanda), RJ Cyler (Billy Cranston/Blue Ranger), Emily Maddison (Rebecca), Ludi Lin (Zack Taylor/Black Ranger), and Dacre Montgomery (Jason Lee Scott/Red Ranger).
Power Rangers is set to land in theaters on March 24, 2017.
MORE POWER RANGERS: Director Comments On Major Cameos / Green Ranger Causes Twitch Steam To Go Down / New Clip Spotlights The Mastodon Zord / Director Teases Easter Eggs / 10 Fun Facts About The Zords
Blue Ranger: Triceratops
Of all of the Dinozords, the Triceratops ages the worst. What once looked like a sleek homage to the horned beast now appears more like a lost swim shoe. Granted, most swim shoes don’t come with twin guns on the back, but Nike will get around to it sooner or later.
The color scheme still works, though so at least it still has that in its favor. Sadly, it doesn’t have much else, but the new Tricertopsย Zordย contains much greater detail.

Pink Ranger: Pterodactyl
Kimberly’s Zord of choice would get much better later on, but the initial version was rather boring. At first glance, you’d think it was another Red Ranger Zord, as the chest plateย is completely red and silver.
It always looked like someone forgot to put the rest of the Zordย together before it launched as well, something the new version seeks to fix. Still, the fact that it’s the only Zordย that can take to the air gives it a point in the win category.

Red Ranger: Tyrannosaurus
The Red Ranger might be the leader of Zordon’sย group of heroes, and his Zordย is even based on the perceived king of the dinosaurs. As a design, though, the Zordย hasn’t aged as well as others in the group.
The T-Rex head and cockpit are fantastic, but the other details are just kind of lacking. Plus that whole short arms thing really hurts it in combat, and the tail doesn’t have a cool drill in it like the Dragonzord.

Black Ranger: Mastodon
You’d think the Mastodon would lose points for having a big “M” emblazoned on the side. You’d be wrong, though because giant letters are cool! (crickets).
Okay, so that’s a bit of an eyesore, but everything else on this design is just fantastic, including the industrial stylings and the tusks. It could even freeze enemies with its trunk, and also could be used as a shield by the Megazord.

Yellow Ranger: Sabertooth Tiger
Of all the Dinozords, the Sabertoothย Tiger looked the coolest in combat, and the design still holds up for the most part.
The tusks, armor details, and the wheel joint legs just made this thing look amazing in motion, at least at the time. If it needed range, it could rely on its laser shooting tail and was the best at avoiding the enemy’sย punches with its advanced agility.
Unfortunately, it would lose its spot to another in the tiger family.

White Ranger: Tigerzord
The White Ranger would inherit one of the most powerful Zords ever created, the White Tigerzord. The Zord’sย remote control was even slick, which happened to be the mystical dagger Saba.
Despite the thing looking a bit ridiculous when it ran, the design was pretty slick, and it still looks fantastic all these years later. The Tigerzordย had the ability to interact with later Thunderzords, and also packed a sonic blast ability to fire from range. It then could transform into warrior mode, which allowed it to use a sword and fire thunderbolts.
In fact, this would have been number one if not for one hurdle standing in its way.

Green Ranger: Dragonzord
The only Zord able to take down the Tigerzord was Tommy’s old Zord, the Dragonzord.
There’s really nothing not fantastic about the Dragonzord. It literally rose from the sea at the Green Ranger’s beck and call (via the Dragon Dagger), had a drill-like tail it could use in combat and could combine with all of the other Dinozords to form a battle version of the DragonZord.
He used his tail as a staff and could hit foes with an energy attack from his fin. If that didn’t work, he was able to forge with the Megazord, creating the Mega Dragonzord. The thing literally had three forms, and looked like a dragon, so needless to say it easily takes the number one spot!
MORE POWER RANGERS: Director Comments On Major Cameosย /ย Green Ranger Causes Twitch Steam To Go Down /ย New Clip Spotlights The Mastodon Zord /ย Director Teases Easter Eggs /ย 10 Fun Facts About The Zords
