Aldis Hodge Is Ready to Be Green Lantern John Stewart in the New DCU (Exclusive)

The actor addresses reprising his DC animated role in James Gunn's DCU.

Through decades of comics, John Stewart / Green Lantern has become a vital part of DC's superhero lexicon. In recent years, John Stewart has also thrived in animation, with Black Adam star Aldis Hodge voicing the character in the DC animated movie Green Lantern: Beware My Power, and subsequently portraying the character in the ongoing Crisis on Infinite Earths three-part animated movie. While speaking to about his work in the upcoming movie Marmalade, Hodge addressed the possibility of reprising his role of John Stewart in live-action, in the upcoming Max-exclusive streaming series Lanterns or otherwise.

"I mean, look, I'm open for whatever," Hodge explained in our interview, which you can check out above. "I would love to live out the rest of the legacy of Hawkman because we had some amazing plans for him. But also, with John Stewart in sort of a live action capacity. I mean, I've voiced John Stewart in the animated space for years now. Few years. Phil LaMarr passed the baton. Shout out to Phil because I'm a big fan of his work. But if that became a film adaptation, absolutely. I mean, that was one of my dreams growing up was to be John Stewart in live action. So yeah."

What Is Lanterns About?

Announced in early 2023 as part of James Gunn and Peter Safran's DC Universe slate, Lanterns is poised to be a live-action television show starring John Stewart and his Green Lantern predecessor, Hal Jordan. Nathan Fillion has been cast as the Guy Gardner incarnation of Green Lantern in Gunn's upcoming Superman: Legacy, leading to speculation as to whether or not he could appear in Lanterns as well.

"[Lanterns] leads into the overall story that we're telling throughout the different movies and television shows," Gunn said during DC's slate presentation. "We find this ancient horror on Earth, and these guys are basically super-cops on 'Precinct Earth.'"

Will Aldis Hodge Return as Hawkman?

In the same interview with, Hodge addressed whether or not he will reprise his role as Carter Hall / Hawkman in Gunn and Safran's DCU, following his debut in 2022's Black Adam. According to Hodge, he has yet to be contacted about a Hawkman return, but "would love to continue" to help tell the character's unique story.

"I don't know if that's in the cards for me," Hodge admitted.  "I mean, look, if it is, obviously I love the character. I would love to continue the character. Definitely had plans to continue the character before some changes were made. But yeah, I couldn't tell you. You're going to have to ask James."

Would you want to see Aldis Hodge play a live-action incarnation of John Stewart? Are you excited for DC's Lanterns TV show? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Marmalade will be released in theaters and on demand on Friday, February 9th.