Deadpool & Wolverine Director Responds to Loki Parallels

Shawn Levy says Marvel deserves credit for the TVA connections.

Deadpool & Wolverine is bringing the Time Variance Authority from Loki to the big screen. However, director Shawn Levy doesn't want to take all the credit for the parallels between the two projects. In a new interview with Total Film, the Deadpool & Wolverine filmmaker explained how long they've been planning this narrative. 2 years ago, an eon in Marvel time, they decided to use the popular TVA elements from Loki to tell their latest tale with Ryan Reynolds. So, they didn't even get to see the groundswell support for Loki Season 2. They couldn't have possibly known that most MCU fans would praise Tom Hiddleston's "swan song" as the popular Marvel character. So, as often happens in the world of entertainment, a nice bit of serendipity paves the way for a smash-hit.

"I would love to take credit for those parallels," Levy told Total Film. "Some we absolutely intend, but some are coincidences, and we came up with 'Marvel Jesus' two years ago. People love to get on bandwagons whether they're positive, but frankly even more when they're negative."

How Much Previous MCU Do You Need For Deadpool & Wolverine?


The TVA is back!

- Marvel Studios)

With all this talk about connecting Marvel properties, there has been some concern amongst some moviegoers about the idea of "homework" to understand Deadpool & Wolverine. Shawn Levy says you can feel free to leave your Marvel encyclopedia at home this time around. Yes, things tie to Loki and the TVA from that series. However, you won't be out of your depth if you decide to leap into Deadpool & Wolverine cold. Most people who are excited for a third movie featuring The Merc With A Mouth probably ventured into the TVA already on Disney+. But,for the ones that didn't this is a nice little concession. 

"I was a good student in school. I'll do my homework as an adult. But I am definitely not looking to do homework when I go to the movies," Levy said to The Associated Press of having to brush up on the MCU to enjoy Deadpool & Wolverine. "I very much made this film with certainly a healthy respect and gratitude towards the rabid fan base that has peak fluency in the mythology and lore of these characters and this world. But I didn't want to presume that. This movie is built for entertainment, with no obligation to come prepared with prior research."

Do you want Loki to be directly linked to Deadpool & Wolverine? Check out all the pop culture discussion at @ComicBook on social media!