Walt Disney Animation Studios recently unveiled the first bit of new music from the highly-anticipated Frozen 2, in the form of a sneak peek that featured the song “Into the Unknown.” Performed by Idina Menzel as Elsa in the movie, this track is one of several new songs being added to the Frozen lore in the upcoming sequel. On Wednesday morning, just a couple of days after the first peek at “Into the Unknown,” another part of the song was released online in the form of a new international trailer.
Videos by ComicBook.com
This trailer, which you can watch in the video above, actually includes the beginning of Elsa’s new song, offering a little more insight into her motivations in the movie. She’s clearly hesitant about embracing her destiny and it seems as though this musical number will occur towards the beginning of the movie.
“Into the Unknown” is just one of seven brand new songs that will be included in Frozen 2, as well as on the soundtrack release. Menzel and Jonathan Groff each appear on three of the tracks, while Kristen Bell, Josh Gad, and Evan Rachel Wood appear on just two. The credits of the film will also include versions of a couple of the songs performed by Panic! At The Disco, Kacey Musgraves, and Weezer.
Here’s the full tracklist:
1. “All is Found” โ performed by Evan Rachel Wood
2. “Some Things Never Change” โ performed by Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad and Jonathan Groff
3. “Into the Unknown” โ performed by Idina Menzel (featuring Norwegian singer AURORA)
4. “When I Am Older” โ performed by Josh Gad
5. “Reindeer(s) are Better than People (Cont.)” โ performed by Jonathan Groff
6. “Lost in the Woods” โ performed by Jonathan Groff
7. “Show Yourself” โ performed by Idina Menzel and Evan Rachel Wood
8. “The Next Right Thing” โ performed by Kristen Bell
9. “Into the Unknown” โ performed by Panic! At The Disco (end credits)
10. “All is Found” โ performed by Kacey Musgraves (end credits)
11. “Lost in the Woods” โ performed by Weezer (end credits)
What do you think of the new music from Frozen 2 so far? Are you looking forward to seeing what adventure lies ahead for Anna and Elsa? Let us know in the comments!
Disney’s Frozen 2 arrives in theaters on November 22nd.