The series finale of Game of Thrones may have aired last month, but the show’s cast haven’t slowed down since the iconic series ended. Lena Headey, the actor best known for playing Cersei Lannister, has been filming the upcoming action movie Gunpowder Milkshake alongside Marvel’s Karen Gillan. However, it turns out Headey has even more going on. According to her latest Instagram post, the actor recently directed a short film, The Trap, that stars someone near and dear to the Game of Thrones fandom: Michelle Fairley, who played Catelyn Stark during the show’s first three seasons.
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“NEWS ๐ค๐ค๐ค My little film The Trap .. well’s coming to HOLLY SHORTS and LA SHORTS FEST.. screening July 17th at La live Regal cinemas and July 18-25 at Laemmle NoHo , if you’re in LA .. Go see ๐ค๐ค๐คIt features the MAGNIFICENT Michelle Fairley, James Nelson Joyce , @steviewadsfilms @larissaavery and @ellierwinstone …This was the most fun I’ve ever had, everyone involved worked their nuts off and we all fell in love. As you should (last pic is true representation of actual feelings),” Headey wrote.
Many people commented on the post, eager to see the collaboration.
“*screams in Cersei and Catelyn fan language*,” @hello.fraaan replied.
“The GoT cast keep churning these wonderful projects out right and left! What a time to be alive,” @lenaheadeyarchive added.
“Beautifully brutal film that is so accomplished you have to remind yourself that it’s someone’s debut as a writer/director ๐ณ And such a laugh making it!,” @steviewadsfilms replied.
Follow Headey on Instagram for more updates on her upcoming projects. Her next feature, Gunpowder Milkshake, is being directed by Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado. In addition to Headey and Gillan, the film also stars The Haunting of Hill House‘s Carla Gugino, Star Trek: Discovery‘s Michelle Yeoh, Billions‘ Paul Giamatti, and Black Panther‘s Angela Bassett. The movie is set for a 2020 release.
All eight seasons of Game of Thrones are streaming on HBO.