Gerard Butler’s upcoming action thriller film, Plane, has had its release date pushed up by two weeks (via Deadline). The film, which was previously set to open on January 27, 2023, will instead now open on January 13th. This shift in release date comes after the film received meme-like reaction from fans on social media following the trailer being seen ahead of recent movies. This new release date means that Plane will go up against Warner Bros. House Party reboot, Columbia Pictures’ A Man Called Otto which stars Tom Hanks, and Samuel Goldwyn Films’ The Devil Conspiracy at the box office.
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In Plane, pilot Brodie Torrance (Butler) saves his passengers from a lightning strike by making a risky landing on a war-torn island only to find that surviving the landing was just the beginning. After most of the passengers are taken hostage by dangerous rebels, the only person Torrance can count on for help is Louis Gaspare (Mike Colter), an accused murderer who was being transported by the FBI. To rescue the passengers, Torrance will need Gaspare’s help and learn that there’s more to Gaspare than meets the eye.
In addition to Butler and Colter, Plane stars Daniella Pineda, Kelly Gale, Yoson An, Remi Adeleke, Haleigh Hekking, Lilly Krug, Joey Slotnick, Oliver Trevena, Evan Dane Taylor, Claro de los Reyes, Tony Goldwyn and Paul Ben-Victor, Plane was written by Charles Cumming and J.P. Davis, from a story by Cumming. Pic’s producers are Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Mark Vahradian, Marc Butan, Butler and Alan Siegel.
Moviegoers reaction to the Plane trailer went viral on social media after they saw the trailer ahead of Glass Onion. Many took to social media to remark about how theaters ended up laughing at the title of the film, though many also noted that even with the meme-worthy title, it was a film they definitely planned to go back and see. Now they will just be able to do that a little bit earlier.
Plane is now set to open in theaters January 13th.
Do you plan to see Plane? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.