Guardians Of The Galaxy Does Not Involve Avengers And Is 95% In Space

While there has been a big rumor that Guardians of the Galaxy will tie directly into Avengers 2 [...]

Guardians of the Galaxy rumors

While there has been a big rumor that Guardians of the Galaxy will tie directly into Avengers 2 with Thanos serving as the villain in both films, Marvel Studios President of Production Kevin Feige has downplayed that idea in a new interview. According to SFX magazine, when asked if Guardians of the Galaxy would be integral to Avengers 2, Kevin Feige said, "I would say that it does not. It's much more of a standalone film. It takes place in the same universe. And when we've been on the other side of that universe in other movies, you might see those characteristics in Guardians, but the Avengers are not involved with what's happening out there at this time." Feige's statement that Avengers are not involved with Guardians of the Galaxy would also seem to go against rumors that Iron Man and possible even Thor will make appearances in Guardians of the Galaxy. However, when Feige is asked about Marvel Studios Phase 2 being cosmic, he responded, "I wouldn't say that in a broad sense. The Thor film and the Guardians Of The Galaxy film certainly are cosmic." It's interesting that Feige is describing Thor: The Dark World as cosmic, because previously most descriptions of the Thor sequel have focused on it having a very Viking-like theme. Feige also added, "Guardians and Thor will take the brunt of the cosmic side of the universe, particularly Guardians, which is 95% in space." Previously, there was also rumors that a major part of Guardians of the Galaxy would take place on Earth as part of telling Star-Lord's origin story, but it appears as if those scenes will be brief if 95% of the film is set in space. Guardians of the Galaxy is set to open in theaters in the United States on August 1, 2014.