
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: James Gunn Shares Full Cast Poster

(L-R): Karen Gillan as Nebula, Chris Pratt as Peter Quill/Star-Lord, and Dave Bautista as Drax in Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Photo by Jessica Miglio. © 2023 MARVEL.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 director James Gunn shared a fan-favorite image of the full cast. On social media, people have been hounding the filmmaker for the fun image of all the Guardians stars sitting together on the ground. So, Gunn decided to give everyone their own copy of it for them to save on their devices. The love affair surrounding Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 has not ended by any stretch of the imagination. The movie enjoyed Marvel’s best second weekend in years. So, the hype is likely to continue. Check out what he had to say on Twitter down below!

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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Could Have Been Wildly Different’s Brandon Davis spoke to the director after the movie’s premiere. He revealed that Gamora almost didn’t make it out of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 alive. That news shocked a lot of Marvel fans who simply could not comprehend the idea of the fan-favorite not being sacrificed in Avengers: Infinity War. Check out what he had to say about that decision down below!

“So things always change and you never know. But Gamora almost died in Vol. 2,” Gunn explained. “I knew from the beginning Zoe only wanted to play the character for so many years, and she’s been very honest saying that she’s done [after this]. And so I was going to have her die. I thought she was the one that was going to sacrifice herself, and Quill was going to learn about himself as opposed to in the second movie, and I thought different of it. I was kind of talked out of it by Kevin [Feige] and Lou [D’Esposito], and then it just didn’t work that well. It didn’t feel right, it felt much more right to go where we go in that movie. That seemed what was correct for the story. I think at the time I was afraid of killing Michael Rooker because he’s my friend.”

“So I felt bad about killing Rooker and I didn’t want to do that. But that was where the story naturally progressed to,” he continued. “So a lot of the things that I was planning on dealing with, I dealt with through what the Russos did, which they called me up and said, ‘We’re thinking about this, does this work? Can you work with this?’ And I went, ‘God, yeah. I really can.’ And I think it works really well for the third movie.”

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