Guardians Of The Galaxy’s Chris Pratt To Send Secret Signals On Jimmy Kimmel Live

If you’re watching Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight, and you get the feeling that Chris Pratt is [...]

Star-Lord in The Milano

If you're watching Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight, and you get the feeling that Chris Pratt is secretly trying to communicate with you through your television set, then you just might be right. Pratt is set to appear on Jimmy Kimmel Live in order to unveil the first full trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy. Earlier today, Pratt took to Twitter to ask his fans to send him secret signal suggestions using #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy. He promised fans that he would choose the best suggestion and actually do it on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Here are some of the suggestions that Pratt has retweeted: caress Jimmy's hand; scratch your right eyebrow for a slightly awkward length of time; spin around 3 times before sitting down; make giant pelvic thrusts in every direction; awkwardly work in the phrase "Banana man take my hand"; rub hands up and down thighs as though too excited for words; and go to shake Kimmel's hand, then pull it away and yell "Too Slow" and then fire off 2 hand guns . Guardians of the Galaxy is set to be released in movie theaters on August 1, 2014.