Hugh Jackman Says No One Convinced Him to Return as Wolverine: "I Make My Own Decisions"

Hugh Jackman says that the decision to return as Wolverine in Deadpool 3 was only on him. On TikTok u/uncrazed caught up with the Logan actor to ask him how Ryan Reynolds convinced him to put the claws back on. Jackman quipped, "I make my own decisions brother." It's a nice sentiment to think about. The Deadpool star had been leaning on his friend for years about a possible Wolverine team-up. But, the Internet was not expecting the news to surface this week out of the blue. Both men apologized to the fans for missing D23, but quickly made it up to everyone that announcing Deadpool 3 would be hitting theaters in 2024. Now, not a lot is known about he plot of the movie. Reynolds had said in the past that the plan for Deadpool 3 was a road trip movie with Jackman before Disney purchased Fox. On the Wolverine actor's side, there had to be something there to get him out of comic book retirement. Check out the video for yourself down below.

Here's exactly what Reynolds said during the announcement: "Hey everyone, we're extremely sad to have missed D23 [the official Disney fan club expo], but we've been working very hard on the next Deadpool film for a good long while now," he began. "I've had to really search my soul on this one. His first appearance in the MCU obviously needs to feel special. We need to stay true to the character, find new depth, motivation, meaning. Every Deadpool needs to stand out and stand apart. It's been an incredible challenge that has forced me to reach down deep inside. And I… I have nothing. Yeah, just completely empty up here. And terrifying. But we did have one idea. Hey, Hugh, you want to play Wolverine one more time?" had the chance to speak with Reynolds as he was promoting The Adam Project. He was down for the crossover back then. "That would be amazing," Reynolds explained as the question came up. "I say write to Kevin Feige, care of Marvel Cinematic Universe at whatever Buena Vista Way. I don't know where it is, but yeah, that would be nice. That would be a dream. That would be dream come true." 

Levy also talked to Brandon Davis about his intention to bring Wolverine and Deadpool together again on the big screen. "I'm not going to say where or how, but I absolutely will confirm my intention and determination to be the lucky son of a b*tch who puts those two magnificent gods in the same movie together," Levy teased. "That will happen, and that will be me."

Is Deadpool 3 your most anticipated MCU movie now? Let us know down in the comments!