The Last Boy Scout Star Wants to Return for a Sequel

Action movies from the '80s and '90s have often been reimagined or revived decades after their [...]

Action movies from the '80s and '90s have often been reimagined or revived decades after their debut, and while the Bruce Willis-starring The Last Boy Scout might not have ever gotten a sequel, if one were ever to move forward, Danielle Harris would love to return to reprise her role. The film, which also starred Damon Wayans and was directed by Tony Scott, is one of the rare occurrences of an action film from that era that has earned a cult following, yet no reports have emerged of the concept ever being revived. However, with projects like Die Hard and Lethal Weapon coming to light in recent years, we can't rule out a Last Boy Scout follow-up entirely.

"I would go back to any of the roles that I've played. They've all been amazing, fun, super fun," Harris shared with about reprising any previous roles. "I mean, God, to be able to come back and do like The Last Boy Scout 2, I mean, if there was just one, that would blow my mind. That's another character that I just loved, but I mean, listen, I got to come back in Halloween and I got to come back now on Roseanne. I think they're doing a remake of Don't Tell Mom [the Babysitter's Dead]. I've heard rumors, not that I've not been asked anything, but that would be interesting. There's not one role that I wouldn't like to reprise, at least the '90s stuff. The older stuff, maybe not so much, but the '90s stuff for sure."

Harris starred as the daughter of Bruce Willis' Joe Hallenbeck, a disgraced Secret Service agent who has become a private investigator, teaming up with Wayans' Jimmy Dix, a former football player, to uncover a conspiracy between politicians and a corrupt NFL team owner.

One of Harris' breakout roles came in Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers, which kicked off her decades-spanning acting career. She would go on to appear in three more entries in the series, with the actress confirming last fall she's still open to returning to the current narrative being explored in the Halloween series.

"When the next one comes up, if I had gotten a call, sure, if there was something super cool that made sense for me, absolutely," Harris previously shared with about possibly returning to the franchise. "I'm not going to ever bite the hand that feeds me and I'm forever indebted to this franchise and I love it. It's like going back to like summer camp. And you're like, 'Oh, I've missed you.' It feels like home. I have so much fun here. That's what it feels like to me to go back to the Halloween movies."

Stay tuned for details on a possible follow-up to The Last Boy Scout.

Would you like to see the film get a sequel? Let us know in the comments below or contact Patrick Cavanaugh directly on Twitter to talk all things Star Wars and horror!