A new rumor claims to know what the title of the upcoming Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 will be, and it is Spider-Man: Homesick. Marvel scooper Charles Murphy posted the rumor, while also pointing towards evidence that’s already out there in public, suggesting that “Homesick” is indeed the title of the third film, behind Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home. The most compelling piece of evidence seems to be magazines (Esquire, Maximum) all printing “Homesick” as the title of Spider-Man 3, while trying to give updated previews of the movies that will be releasing in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Marvel Studios runs a tight ship when it comes to secrecy – but even they can’t keep every title from leaking out. Case in point: Marvel fans guessed that the last Avengers film would be called Endgame almost immediately after Avengers: Infinity War had Doctor Strange drop the now-classic line. That sent Marvel Studios into denial overdrive, and the studio then kept fans guessing like crazy and made an entire ongoing event out of the title reveal – only for fans to learn it was indeed “Endgame” as originally thought.
That leak happened because a composer listed the name of the film on his resume; in that sense, big magazines outside the geek sphere may not have been aware they were sitting on privileged information, and totally published that Spider-Man 3 title. Or, this could be just another rumor or red-herring that never pans out.

The difference here is that Spider-Man: Homesick is actually a perfect fit for what this third Spider-Man movie will be. Far From Home saw Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) expose Peter Parker’s identity as Spider-Man to the whole world, which has presumably left Peter scrambling to avoid both law enforcement (after he was framed for Mysterio’s death) and the enemies (like Mac Gargan/Scorpion, or Adrian Toomes/Vulture) that may come looking for payback against Spider-Man – or his family. Thanks to Tony Stark and The Avengers, Peter has plenty of resources to run and hide, and even keep Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) safe; however, running and hiding won’t do anything to cure the pain Peter would feel about not being able to return to his life – and/or to a heroic career as Spider-Man.
More to the point: if this third Spider-Man film is truly the end of Marvel Studios’ arc with the character, Homesick would be a perfect endpoint for the story started in Homecoming, as Peter would finally have full understanding and appreciation for the life and power he has as the friendly, neighborhood, Spider-Man.
Spider-Man 3 (“Homesick”?) will be in theaters on December 17, 2021.