Marvel Star Josh Brolin Reveals What Convinced Him to Play Thanos

thanAcross the past decade-plus of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there have been some truly standout performances or moments. For many, Josh Brolin's take on Thanos might be among that list, with his take on the Mad Titan becoming a formidable part of the franchise's Phase 3. While Thanos is far from the first or last comic book role that Brolin has brought to life, it definitely stands out — and according to Brolin, that was the case when he was pitched it. In a recent interview with Variety, Brolin reflected on the experience of playing Thanos, and revealed what originally drew him to the role in the first place.

"First of all, we had no idea it was going to be that big or that meaty of a part — it was more like a cameo type thing," Brolin revealed. "I was doing "Everest" in London and they dropped off the huge bible of Thanos and what he meant in the Marvel Universe and his trajectory and his relationship with Lady Death and all this stuff. And I thought it was really interesting, but I had turned down a few really big films of those types of films, not Marvel, but other people. And I just didn't have a real interest in doing it. I just felt like that was going down a road that I just wasn't particularly interested in. So this came and I was like, this is interesting and it was the bible that did it. I was reading through volumes and volumes of information and I thought, this is really cool and I love how in depth this has gone. And then I got together with the Russos and we started doing these tests and I just got more and more relaxed. It was a real testament to their directing. They were like, stop performing. You can just be this the guy. And we started likening him to Brando in "Apocalypse Now" and it was so fun. It reminded me of doing theater back in the day in New York, going back to this really imaginative, exciting place. So I had a blast and I loved that it lasted two movies. I like that movie, and I don't really like those movies."

Will Josh Brolin return to the MCU?

In an interview last year, Brolin did say that he wouldn't be unopposed to returning as Thanos, if the narrative made sense.

"I don't know where they're going with it, no. It's not that I don't have an interest in it," Brolin explained to The Jess Cagle Show. "They have their own trajectory that they're worrying about and if they want me to do it, I would do it I'm sure, but I don't know what they're thinking."

What do you think of Josh Brolin's newest comments about Thanos? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!