Netflix Adds Black Lives Matter Collection to Its Library

While a lot of folks are turning on Netflix to watch a movie like The Help in the midst of a [...]

While a lot of folks are turning on Netflix to watch a movie like The Help in the midst of a worldwide civil rights movement, the actual streaming service is taking action to highlight all of its great content that actually tells Black stories from Black storytellers. Following weeks of protests around the world over the violent killing of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police, many companies have spent serious time highlighting Black voices that have often been overlooked. That's exactly what Netflix is doing with its Black Lives Matter collection.

If you go to, you'll find a curated list of movies and TV shows the focus on stories of Black history and the Black experience. This includes several documentaries (13th, Becoming), acclaimed dramas (Moonlight, Malcolm X), and popular TV shows (Dear White People, Pose). Hits like Luke Cage and Orange Is the New Black also made the list.

"When we say 'Black Lives Matter,' we also mean 'Black storytelling matters,'" Netflix stated in a short thread of tweets on Wednesday morning. "With an understanding that our commitment to true, systemic change will take time — we're starting by highlighting powerful and complex narratives about the Black experience.

"When you log on to Netflix today, you will see a carefully curated list of titles that only begin to tell the complex and layered stories about racial injustice and Blackness in America."

One of the most acclaimed titles in this entire collection is one that most will point to as a crucial watch when trying to understand more about the inequality and systematic racism plaguing America. When They See Us, a limited series from visionary director Ava DuVernay, is a must-watch during this moment in history.

This collection also includes several films from director Spike Lee, who has consistently remained a pivotal voice in the fight against his injustice throughout his long and illustrious career. In addition to the previously mentioned Malcolm X, Netflix's Black Lives Matter collection also includes Spike Lee Joints She's Gotta Have It and Get on the Bus. Lee's upcoming film, Da 5 Bloods, will also be included in the collection upon its arrival this Friday.