Quentin Tarantino Joins The People In Liking Green Lantern Movie

Could Green Lantern be making a comeback? Fresh off winning the People’s Choice Award for [...]

Green Lantern Movie

Could Green Lantern be making a comeback? Fresh off winning the People's Choice Award for Favorite Movie Superhero, Green Lantern is now receiving accolades from a well-respected director. According to The Quentin Tarantino Archives, Quentin Tarantino has listed the Green Lantern movie as one of the movies he liked in 2011. When the Green Lantern movie premiered in theaters, it received some rather harsh reviews from movie critics. The bad reviews likely played a big role in the film sputtering out quickly at the box office. After Green Lantern underperformed at the box office, rumors surfaced that Warner Bros. was reconsidering their earlier plans to do a sequel. Despite the critical drubbing, many fans that actually saw the movie seem to have enjoyed it. While some were concerned Ryan Reynolds would come across as too campy in the movie, he actually played the role fairly seriously and exceeded expectations. Evidently enough people liked him in the role that they cast enough votes to give him a People's Choice Award win for his performance. While Green Lantern was far from the perfect movie, it also did offer a lot to build on. The scenes that took place on the planet of Oa were a treat for the eyes, and Mark Strong as Sinestro laid the groundwork that should create a more interesting villain for the sequel. Will the recent positive buzz about Green Lantern encourage Warner Bros. to go ahead with plans for a Green Lantern sequel? Does Green Lantern deserve a sequel?