Ryan Reynolds Enlists Jury Duty's Ronald Gladden for New Mint Mobile Ad

Ryan Reynolds enlisted the help of Jury Duty star Ronald Gladden for his newest Mint Mobile advertisement. In the commercial, the Freevee star gets brought up to the big leagues to pal around with a fan-favorite from an entirely different corner of entertainment. While the Deadpool star talks about how Mint Mobile is still $15 a month, the former contractor wanders into the frame and seems a little bit wary about the entire thing. But, Reynolds reassures him that this is real life. Gladden even makes a delightful quip about there possibly being hidden cameras around him. But, no, things retain their sweet tone and the duo even hug it out before the ad ends. Check out the Jury Duty star's latest point in the ascension of his career down below.

For those who don't know, Gladden's turn in Jury Duty has sparked a ton of conversation online. He basically "plays" himself as he attends jury duty with a number of paid actors. The poor man has no idea that he's basically in a comedy version of the Truman Show. It's up to Gladden to try to help/relate to his strange jury-mates. Variety asked him about his newfound fame last week. 

"I'm definitely enjoying it but truthfully nothing really changed until a couple of days ago, like my social media presence grew and that was really about it," Gladden admitted to the publication last week. "But as soon as the finale aired, and everybody saw how it ended and I'm doing all these events, now the change is actually really happening."

Was Gladden Ever Upset About Being Lied To On Jury Duty?

He addressed the aspect of betrayal in Jury Duty during the same sitdown with Variety. It seems like there are no hard feelings. But, Gladden did have to adjust to the fact that these people he had spent time around were not exactly who he had gotten to know over the course of all their jury service. 

Gladden said, "There was never a moment when I was truthfully angry about it, no, because on the day of the reveal, it was so much to process, like I couldn't be mad about it. Like I still had to process the fact that everything they were telling me was true. And then it was like peeling back layers of an onion. After I processed that it was true, I still had to accept the fact that this was fake. 

"So there was never any time to be angry. And truthfully, the only reason I would have been mad was if I found out those relationships I had forged with people were completely forced," he continued. "Like if they were like, "Hey, you know, this is all a joke. See you later," and I never heard from again, yes, I would have been mad about that." 

Did you love seeing the Jury Duty star in this commercial? Let us know in the comments!