Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is almost in theaters, and that means that promotional materials for the film are starting to come out in mass, and all those new looks into the film come at the cost of spoiling what could be (or… could’ve been) some big theatrical surprises for Marvel fans.
Videos by ComicBook.com
That means if you want to go into Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse as unspoiled as possible, then you best stop clicking on articles like this and avert your eyes when all the TV commercials and trailers play.
Now, if you STILL want to know what the latest Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse reveals, read below!
Fans spotted a photo on the official Spider-Man Vietnamese Facebook account, which showed the villain of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, The Spot (Jason Schwartzman), making a stop in Tom Hardy’s Venom movie universe, where he interacts with none other than local store owner Mrs. Chen (Peggy Lu)!
The picture alone could be explained away as nothing more than a promotional item, but the text that came with the post seems to suggest much more:
“After the LEGO universe, the Venom live-action universe will also feature in the Spider-Verse. And there will be more exciting things to be revealed!”
If that wasn’t enough, the actual Vietnamese writing on the photo roughly translates to: “Tom Hardy’s Universe appears in Spider-Verse 2.”

There have been countless rumors about just how many Spider-Man Universe properties Sony could pull into Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse as big crossover cameos. The most popular rumor is, of course, that Spider-Man: No Way Home trio Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, and Tobey Maguire could also make an appearance in the animated sequel. Tom Hardy is another popular candidate to make a cameo as Venom; and now that this latest promo has possibly revealed the actual live-action Venom movie universe will be featured, it raises the interesting possibility that Across the Spider-Verse is actually being treated as part of the overall Sony Spider-Man Universe canon.
That would mean Hardy’s Venom and the three Spider-Men actors all get transported out of live-action scenes into the animated Spider-Verse. Either way, the movement between live-action scenes and animated scenes could be a key detail to note, since a LOT of fans want to see Miles Morales’ Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy’s Ghost-Spider get their live-action film debuts.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse will be in theaters on June 2nd.
via: The Direct