Taron Egerton Confirms Kingsman 3 Has a Script

20th Century Fox might be gearing up to release The King's Man next February, but many fans of the [...]

20th Century Fox might be gearing up to release The King's Man next February, but many fans of the franchise already have their eyes set to Kingsman 3. Though The King's Man is the third film in the franchise, it takes place far before the events of Kingsman: The Secret Service, allowing filmmaker Matthew Vaughn to return to wrap up the initially trilogy at some point or another. We now know a script officially exists for a third film that'd follow the events of Kingsman: The Golden Circle. Kingsman star Taron Egerton was at ACE Comic Con Midwest this weekend, where he confirmed during his panel a script most certainly exists for the threequel.

"I'm really not allowed to say anything, but there is a script," Egerton reveals. "It's a really neat idea. That plan, at the moment, is that we'd like to do another one, one more time." That's when Egerton started getting sentimental about the role, telling fans he'd like to return to the role at least one more time so he could bid farewell to Eggsy in proper fashion.

"It was the role that kind of started my film career so I'm always going to feel, you know, a great fondness for the part," continued the actor. "I would like to do one more because frankly, I'd like to say goodbye to him [Eggsy] in a befitting way and to finish the trilogy. All good things come to an end. It was always imagined as a trilogy and I think it'd be great to finish the story off because I've loved playing the character."

Earlier this year, Vaughn had confirmed he fully intends to direct a proper end to the initial trilogy. It's unclear if he also plans to follow up The King's Man or leave it as a solo outing.

"The end of this movie [Golden Circle], if you think about it: you have Eggsy's definitely going to go on a new journey. Galahad, or Harry Hart's going on a new journey. Tequila's going on a new journey. Jeff's (Bridges) going on a new journey, Halle (Berry), the new agent Whiskey, is. The next movie is what happens to these characters. They're definitely not going to be doing what you've seen them do before."

The King's Man hits theaters February 14, 2020. Kingsman 3 has yet to set a release date.

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