Filming is underway on Thor: Love and Thunder, featuring Chris Hemsworth‘s return as the iconic Avenger and reuniting with Natalie Portman‘s Jane Foster, who will become the Mighty Thor under the direction and script from Taika Waititi. After the events of Avengers: Infinity War, Thor is now wielding his powerful axe known as Stormbreaker, while his trusty hammer Mjolnir was destroyed by Hela in the previous film Thor: Ragnarok. But this new stunt rehearsal video seems to confirm that Mjolnir is coming back in Thor: Love and Thunder, indicating that this will be how Jane Foster becomes the Mighty Thor.
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In the now-deleted TikTok video, Hemsworth’s stunt double Bobby Holland Hanton can be seen practicing a stunt that sees him flying through the air while AC/DC’s Thunderstruck plays in the background. The most notable aspect is that he’s wielding a prop of Mjolnir. Check it out in the photos below:
In the comics, Thor Odinson becomes unworthy and is unable to wield Mjolnir, causing him to find his old God-Killing axe Jarnbjorn. But Jane Foster becomes able to pick up the hammer, which transforms her into the Mighty Thor amid her ongoing fight with cancer.
Portman is returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe after last appearing in Thor: The Dark World. Portman spoke with Yahoo! about her return, confirming that the film will be adapting this popular Marvel storyline.
“I can’t tell you that much. I’m really excited,” Portman revealed. “I’m starting to train, to get muscles. If there can be all these female superheroes, the more of them they are, the better it is. I’m trying to think โ it’s based on the graphic novel of The Mighty Thor. She’s going through cancer treatment and is a superhero on the side.”
Franchise star Hemsworth is the first Marvel Studios actor to star in a fourth solo film and will retreat with Waititi after the success of Thor: Ragnarok. Hemsworth revealed another tease during a previous interview.
“Very excited, excited to try to do something different, you know, the last three films we certainly, I think, pushed the envelope and created different versions of the character and now people expect some dramatic changes,” Hemsworth told Swisse Vitamins & Supplements. “So, we’ve got our work cut out in that sense.”
Thor: Love and Thunder is currently on track to premiere in theaters on May 6th, 2022.
[h/t The Direct]