It’s the fourth of May, which of course means there’s Star Wars content everywhere on the internet. Man of Steel director Zack Snyder got in on it, too, with an image from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, modified so that Batman is carrying Darth Maul’s double-bladed, red lightsaber. The image is a cool one, and was likely done with a bare minimum of effort considering the lighting and nature of the shot make it pretty easy to convincingly add the light-based weapon.
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Still, it’s worth sharing if only to remind fans that this is just one of a number of such images. Back when Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Star Wars: The Force Awakens were new, there were enough mash-ups of the two for fans of both franchises to have fun with.
Actually, the image shared today is just a cleaned-up and enhanced version of an image Snyder released back in 2017. George Lucas, we’re certain, would approve.
You can check it out below.
— Zack Snyder (@ZackSnyder) May 4, 2020
At one point, Snyder actually shared a mash-up trailer on social media, really committing to the bit. Along the way, we had photos like a Storm Trooper being arrested in Gotham, the Batmobile clinging to the bottom of the Millennium Falcon, and Batman walking through a desert with R2-D2.
“It was super fun and super friendly,” Snyder later said of his back-and-forth with Bad Robot, which he characterized as a friendly rivalry. “And it’s one of those things that doesn’t make it to the corporate level. The studio’s always like, ‘What are you guys doing?’ Which is cool because it just exists outside… just a friendly back and forth. They’re so iconographic even if you weren’t trying eventually you’d turn something into a lightsaber; even if you weren’t trying to, eventually someone puts on a black cowl or cape.”
At one point, Snyder was reportedly in talks to direct a Star Wars spinoff film. Snyder denied it but even if those talks were ever real, any plans to do so were put on hold when he inked a deal to direct Justice League after Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is completed — and given the way all that turned out, it seems unlikely such talks were ever picked up, if they were ever a possibility to begin with. In 2017, Snyder took some serious Star Wars cosplay to one of his kids’ Halloween celebrations.