Zack Snyder Says “the Story’s Figured Out” for a Justice League 2 and 3

Zack Snyder says the 'story's figured out' for two Justice League sequels, where the son of [...]

Zack Snyder says the "story's figured out" for two Justice League sequels, where the son of Superman (Henry Cavill) and Lois Lane (Amy Adams) would play a "big part" in Snyder's planned two-part finale for the DC Extended Universe. After confirming Lois is pregnant in Zack Snyder's Justice League, the filmmaker's revealed plans for a Justice League 2 and 3 saw Batman (Ben Affleck) making the ultimate sacrifice and Superman uniting the heroes of the DC Universe against the forces of Darkseid (Ray Porter). A five-movie arc started with 2013's Man of Steel would culminate in a "Lord of the Rings-like finale," ending with a 20-year time jump revealing Lois and Clark's power-less son as the new Batman.

"Absolutely," Snyder told It's Gone Viral when asked if he would direct a Justice League 2. "Lois is definitely pregnant and you would have to then [tell] the story of Lois' child. It would be a big part of the story going forward."

Snyder envisioned Apokolips ruler Darkseid traveling to Earth and murdering a pregnant Lois in the Batcave, causing a grieving Superman to succumb to the Anti-Life Equation. This turns the father-to-be into the red-eyed enforcer of the possible Knightmare future glimpsed in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and the epilogue of Zack Snyder's Justice League, where Batman's insurgency must send the Flash (Ezra Miller) back through time to prevent an apocalyptic future.

"If you sort of super-impose what happens in the story over the Dallas dry erase [boards], the ones that were in the AT&T Headquarters ... that was the sort of story," Snyder said, referring to the Dreamscapes of Zack Snyder's Justice League exhibit displayed at the AT&T Discovery District complex in Dallas, Texas. "But I think the version with Lois, that she's pregnant with Clark's child, is a wrinkle that is slightly different from that version, but we had that figured out."

But Snyder, who in recent weeks said an "aggressively anti-Snyder" Warner Bros. is uninterested in his take on future DC films, has cast doubt on ever realizing his plans for a Justice League 2 and 3 — at least not in live-action.

"Look, the story's figured out. I know what to do, it's not a question," Snyder said. "But the truth is, the [Snyder Cut] came out, just to give you a sense of it. I haven't heard from them [Warner Bros.], I don't know what they think. I do love these characters and I love the world, clearly, but yeah, I just don't know what their plans are or what they're up to."

Starring Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, Ray Fisher, Ciarán Hinds, Ray Porter, Joe Manganiello, and Jared Leto, Zack Snyder's Justice League is now streaming on HBO Max.