Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: T.A.H.I.T.I. Recap With Spoilers

At the beginning of the 'T.A.H.I.T.I.' episode, Coulson and crew are escorting Skye, still in [...]

Agents of SHIELD - GH325

At the beginning of the "T.A.H.I.T.I." episode, Coulson and crew are escorting Skye, still in stasis, into a S.H.I.E.L.D. hospital emergency room. We see the doctors doing their best to save Skye while Coulson and the rest of his team sit in the waiting room. Coulson is trying to get Nick Fury on the phone while the rest of crew discuss where to place blame for Skye's current state. Coulson hangs up his phone, furious at being unable to get Fury on the phone. Time passes, and the group is still waiting. A doctor comes out and tells them that Skye is "not good." The doctor says they can keep Skye comfortable, but they need to make a decision about whether or not to keep Skye on life support. The doctor says they need to call Skye's family and get them there as soon as possible. Coulson says, "We're her family." Agent May storms off after hearing the news. She goes to the Bus, storms into the interrogation room where Ian Quinn is, and begins to pummel him. Coulson shows up and stops her. Coulson says he needs her to pilot the plane so they can find the doctors that brought him back from the dead, in the hopes that they can save Skye. They load Skye, in stasis, onto the Bus. Ward confronts Coulson about moving Skye, not convinced that the doctors who helped him can help Skye. Coulson decides it's time to let everyone know what really happened to him, and we see a scene of him explaining everything to Fitz & Simmons. They get to work trying to figure out how to do the same thing for Skye. Ward goes to the cockpit with May and expresses his doubt about the mission to May. May assures him that Coulson would do the same for any of them, and that "people like them need people like him." Ward tells May that he liked seeing her pound on Quinn, because she doesn't open up very often. They are then contacted by S.H.I.E.L.D., who inform them that they are in violation for not turning Quinn over for interrogation and that they should prepare to be boarded. After the break, Ward is informing Coulson of the situation. Coulson is incredulous. A S.H.I.E.L.D. plane docks with the Bus, and Agent Garrett (Bill Paxton) boards. He, and agent Antoine Triplett, informs Coulson that they are taking Quinn and tells Triplett to secure the prisoner. Triplett goes, and Coulson questions Garrett's motives. Garrett informs Coulson that his team has been after Quinn for some time, and that Coulson's operation ruined their work. Garrett says he has lost three of his own. Coulson says he can't turn him over until they see if Skye makes it. Trip greets Ward, apparently old friends. Trip asks how Coulson got such a "sweet ride." Ward replies, "He died." Garrett was apparently Coulson, Ward and Trip's supervising officer. Ward says Quinn stays put until Coulson says otherwise and the two comes to blows. Garrett and Coulson show up and break things up, letting them know they've come to an agreement. Garrett will interrogate Quinn on the Bus. Saving Skye is the first priority. Fitz & Simmons are hard at work. Simmons mentions several strange elements involved in the process of saving Coulson, including GH325. She gets a call and sounds surprised by the news. Coulson and Garrett go into the interrogation room with the battered and bloodied Ian Quinn and begin some pretty rough interrogation. They question him about Cybertek and Deathlok. Quinn mentions Skye and Garret hits him. Quinn says he shot Skye because the Clairvoyant told him to. Simmons informs May that no one who supposedly worked on Coulson is part of S.H.I.E.L.D. and that none of the facts in his file check out. Garrett and Coulson continue to question Quinn, who says all of his supposed "good luck" is the work of the Clairvoyant. The only thing the Clairvoyant doesn't know is what happened to Coulson. Coulson fills Garrett in on what happened to him. Quinn says the Clairvoyant will do anything to find out how S.H.I.E.L.D. saved Coulson. Shooting Skye was part of the plan. The Clairvoyant knew Coulson would do anything, including going to the people who saved him, to save Skye, giving the Clairvoyant a chance to find out the secret. After the break, Melinda tells Coulson about how everything in the file doesn't exist. Coulson says S.H.I.E.L.D. is full of secrets. Simmons says Coulson's file has so many secrets that even she and Fitz only understand half of what's in the file. May and Simmons question if they should subject Skye to the same treatments. Coulson says they have to try. May agrees, but warns that they may be giving the Clairvoyant what he wants. Coulson says it's a risk they have to take. Fitz and Simmons look in on Skye. Simmons hones in on the GH325 "miracle drug," but they don't know how to find it. Fitz has a lead. They get access to some S.H.I.E.L.D. files via a contact at the Triskelion and begin to search. They find a file about a World War II bunker called the Guest House, the GH in GH325. They determine that Fury has been to the Guest House, but further access is encrypted, or so it seems. They realize that the "encryption" is actually a map. May, Garret, and Coulson are preparing to enter the guest house, which is not an S.H.I.E.L.D. facility. Fitz goes with them. Trip, May and Simmons stay behind with Skye. As they approach, they are asked for a password. They don't know it, and Coulson tries to explain the situation but is only again prompted for a password. Garrett shoots out the camera and they begin forcing their way inside, as the Guest House guards gear up for defense. Coulson and crew move downwards on top of an elevator. Fitz uses a camera to scout ahead and sees nothing, so they move in. Fitz realizes that communication with the Bus has been cut. They move towards a room separated by bulletproof glass. Fitz electronic picks the lock and lets them inside, where the team is fired upon by the Guest House guards. Coulson tries to reason with them, but they keep firing. Garrett and Ward return fire. Fitz hands Coulson a kind of flash grenade. Fitz tosses it and Ward and Garrett take down the guards. They move forward, but realize one guard got away. The team presses on and finds the wounded guard. They take his keys and he tells them the medical team is not there. Coulson asks about GH325, but then the guard seems to recognize Coulson and asks him if he knows about the timer. They realize the whole place is rigged to blow if no one enters and override code into the timer. Garrett and Ward stay behind to try to disarm the explosives while Coulson and Ward move on. Simmons and Trip watch over Skye. They express a shared sentiment about feelings for teammates. Trip expresses admiration for Simmons' loyalty and dedication. May shows up and tells them about the communications just as Skye starts to spasm. They go in to try to help her. Coulson finds the room where they performed surgery on him and has a brief flashback. They move into a storage room and begin searching the contents for GH325. They find a locked case and use the guard's keys. Ward shows up and says they couldn't stop the timer. They find GH325 and Fitz runs to bring it to Simmons. The rest of the team moves out but Coulson stays behind to search and finds a door marked T.A.H.I.T.I. Garrett and Ward are working on blowing the door open. Garrett mentions that at least they don't have to worry about the Clairvoyant finding the Guest House. They blow the door and begin moving the wreckage. Fitz squeezes through to get the serum to bring to Skye. Garrett sends Ward with Fitz and goes back to find Coulson. Trip, May and Simmons are watching Skye slip away when they hear Fitz trying to talk over communications static. Garrett finds Coulson. Coulson seems dazed and tells Garrett they can't let Skye take the serum. On the Bus, Fitz shows up with GH325 and Ward tells May to take off. Garrett and Coulson make it onto the Bus just in time. Coulson rushes to tell Simmons not to dose her with the drug, but Simmons already has. Skye seems like she's getting better, but she seems to seize up before stabilizing. Everyone seems relieved except for Coulson. May and Garret are both concerned. Garret and Trip go to see Quinn. Garrett tells Quinn about the Guest House explosion and how Skye will live to testify against Quinn. On the way out, Coulson stops Garrett and thanks him for letting Quinn stay on the plane. They bid farewell, and Garrett hints that they may being seeing each other again soon. May visits Coulson in his office. May wants to know why Coulson isn't happy about saving Skye's life. She wants to know why he didn't want them to use the drug on Skye. We flashback to Coulson in the T.A.H.I.T.I room. We see various GH serums hooked up to a complex series of tubes. There's a chamber marked G.H. Coulson opens it to find a half of a blue body. It's unclear whether it's half gone or half-grown, but I would bet on the latter. The last scene brings us to Death Valley, California, where a woman is crossing a desert. She ends up at a rest stop and drinks a man's water. She asks if all of Midgard is this desolate. The man points out the woman inside is his wife, as of yesterday. The woman asks which of them he prefers. He says he prefers Nicole, but she works her charms on him and soon he's giving her ride down the highway. She reveals herself to be Lorelei.