The episode opens on a cell, where a man is brought in, with the processing officer says that he held up the convenience store across the street from the precinct. He sets off the metal detector (he said it’s a bum leg, and when they frisk him nothing is found). He’s led in to share a cell with Bronze Tiger, where it turns out he was paid to smuggle in Bronze Tiger’s blades and knuckles–inside himself. He’s dead by the time the guards hear the screaming, Bronze Tiger is armed and ready to escape.At a facility where Roy is training with Arrow, he’s getting impatient with Mr. Miyagi-style training for which he doesn’t see the significance. He breaks some of the equipment and Arrow tells him that he knew a guy like Roy once–and that he had to take him out.Back on the island, Oliver and Sara are still looking for Slade. As far as Ollie can tell from the tracker, Slade is back in the cave. He still wants to tell Slade what happened to cause Shado’s death, and Sara still doesn’t want him to. The tracker dies, and they have to make their way back to the cave from memory.
Arrow Recap With Spoilers: Tremors
The episode opens on a cell, where a man is brought in, with the processing officer says that he […]