Arrow's Laurel "Not A Hero Yet" Even Though She's Got a Costume

In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim clarified [...]

In a new interview with Entertainment WeeklyArrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim clarified a bit of confusion about Laurel Lance, set to become the Black Canary in the midseason premiere of the series this January.

While some fans have objected to the idea that the character is moving too fast -- suiting up to fight crime without much in the way of training -- Guggenheim says that's actually something that will be addressed in the narrative, and showrunners aren't trying to just skip to the end.

"Just because you put on a mask and a costume doesn't mean you're a superhero," Guggenheim said. "A mask does not a hero make. We're really at the beginning of Laurel's journey to becoming the Black Canary, not the end by virtue of the fact that she's put on a costume."