Batman Drives Across The Country To Deliver Message Of Hope To Kids

After driving 36 hours from Gotham (actually West Virginia), Batman (a real-life hero from [...]


After driving 36 hours from Gotham (actually West Virginia), Batman (a real-life hero from Heroes4Higher) arrived in Bakersfield, California, to deliver a message of hope to children with disabilities and illnesses. The long ride was worth it because he knows the moment he pulls up in his Batmobile, which he refers to as the "Hopemobile," it "makes grown-ups smile, and it inspires kids," helping them get through "tough situations."

All of the children were given the opportunity to chat with The Dark Knight, take a picture with him and even sit inside of his majestic Hopemobile.

"We want to reach kids from all different types of disabilities and illnesses, because realistically when it comes down to it, all of them are just as important as one another," Batman told Bakersfield Now. "The experience is good for them, but the biggest thing is that they will never forget what they learned today...and that's tough things make them stronger, and that's the most important thing."

Many of the children and their families were made aware of this special event because of community organizations, like Second Star to the Right, Kern Autism Society, and League of Dreams.

Below, you can check out photos from the event.

Holy Batman...Batman is HERE!!

Posted by Second Star to the Right on Saturday, January 2, 2016

"Have you ever seen this many young children listen SO attentively?! They were all absolutely in awe over him and his message of Hope! Today's event was aimed towards not just children with cancer but all children that are battling the stigma placed on 'normalcy' in our society," the Second Star to the Right charity wrote on their official Facebook page. "Looking sick or bald, having a learning disability, spectrum disorders, special needs or other silent illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Coming from all walks of life and struggles, Batman was able to envelope them all and super boost their tiny spirits into STRONG confident egos! It was beautiful to fact I had to step away to cry a few times."

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice opens March 25, 2016.