Batman vs. Superman's Gal Gadot Spotted in Set Photos

Wonder Woman has apparently reported for duty as the fansite have snapped a number [...]

Gal Gadot's Controversial Commercial

Wonder Woman has apparently reported for duty as the fansite have snapped a number of set photos of Gal Gadot in Detroit with the Batman vs. Superman shoot. The actress, who will star opposite Ben Affleck (Batman) and Henry Cavill (Superman) in the 2016 film, has drawn criticism from fans for being not muscular or busty enough for the role; her physique has certainly filled out since she started training with the fim's crew, although a dress that low-cut -- assuming it's actual wardrobe and not just what Gadot personally was wearing before or after the shoot -- is likely to draw ire from some, unhappy that the first we've seen of a decades-old feminist icon is in a dress so low-cut. All that said, the very stylized way she's wearing her hair seems pretty well-suited to a tiara, no? You can see the tweet below.

The best shots of @GalGadot from Friday filming in Michigan. ... on Twitpic