Daisy Ridley Responds To Comment On Setting Unrealistic Expectations

Ahh, social media. Loved for the way it has opened channels of communication to stars that were [...]

(Photo: Lucasfilm)

Ahh, social media. Loved for the way it has opened channels of communication to stars that were always so far out of reach, while also limiting the number of barriers that said communication has to go through, whether it is worthwhile or not.


That was apparent recently on Daisy Ridley's Instagram page, as a user posted a picture of her from Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens with the quote "I can't believe the unrealistic expectations I'm setting for young girls. Who cast me anyway? Don't they know real women have curves?

What's weird is most of the time I see such gorgeous messages from people around the world. People who relate to something in Rey they haven't found in a female character before. People who's daughters now think they can do things without the aid of a man, but who wouldn't be ashamed to ask for help. People who loved that The Force Awakens has multiple incredible female characters. It is much more hurtful to continue to slate other women than BE a woman, BE a character, BE whoever you want to be. I'm a normal girl thrust into extraordinary circumstances, just like Rey. I will not apologise for how I look, what I say and how I live my life cause what's happening inside is much more important anyway and I am striving to be the best version of myself, even if I stumble along the way. It seems apt I get tagged in this a day after I received misogynistic comments on my #IWD post. For all of you who celebrate each other, celebrate the ones you love, love yourselves, work hard, are kind, thank you for your continued support and the social media love. For anyone who has a problem with ANYONE in life, be them someone you know or someone you don't, remember that expression, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Kindness isn't going to cure the world of all its awfulness but it's a good place to begin.

A photo posted by @daisyridley on

After her initial response, Ridley elaborated on the subject via Instagram with some additional insight, which you can see above (under the original post)

Well said, but sad it had to be said in the first place. It's a case of people looking for something to complain about, for some unbeknownst reason. Ridley was the main character in a female driven Star Wars film. That sentence alone is an achievement, but it goes beyond that, as the character is a confident and fierce woman who can take care of herself, and represents that aspect of her character throughout the film. After all that, the only thing you could find to critique was that she isn't curvy?


I have no words. Well, I did, but I already typed them all.