Doctor Who Series 9 Episode 2: The Witch's Familiar Recap With Spoilers

Clara hangs upside down, Missy sitting nearby. She tells Clara a story of the Doctor, on the run [...]

(Photo: BBC)

Clara hangs upside down, Missy sitting nearby. She tells Clara a story of the Doctor, on the run and alone. In her story, the Doctor is travelling by teleporter and being tracked by android assassins. Surrounded at gunpoint, Missy asks how the Doctor survived. Clara asks where he got the teleporter. He stole it from the androids and used it to teleport when he should have been gunned down. It's the same technology Missy used to escape death. Missy asks why the Doctor survives. Clara says the Doctor always assumes he's going to win, but Missy points out he's now sent his will and thrown a going away party. She's cut down Clara now, and they realize they must march into the heart of the Dalek empire with nothing but a pointy stick to save the Doctor, and they have to start by assuming they're going to win.

Davros gloats over the Doctor, and the Doctor picks up a Dalek blaster and point it at him. The Doctor demands Davros leave the infirmary that keeps him stable. The Daleks mobilize to rescue to him. Clara and Missy observe from afar. The Doctor enters the Dalek chamber, riding in Davros' lower Dalek half. The Daleks exterminate him.

Missy pushes Clara into the Dalek sewers. Meanwhile, the Doctor is unharmed y the Dalek's attacks (and drinking tea). Turns out Davros has a personal force field. In the sewers, Clara takes the pointy stick as if to kill Missy, but she takes it back. Missy explains how the sewers are made with still sentient "dead" Daleks. The Doctor demands Clara be returned to him safe, unharmed, and alive. Missy and Clara overhear, and Missy worries that the Doctor, without hope, will burn down everything. Davros appears on a monitor screen, and the Doctor is covered in Colony Sarff's snakes. Missy gets Clara noticed by Dalek security and then cuffs her the spot. Missy is using Clara as bait to kill a Dalek. A Dalek arrives and Missy begins poking holes in the Dalek's exterior, and the "dead" Daleks attack and destroy him.

The Doctor remembers the child Davros, and awakes to Davros again in his chair. Davros reiterates that he's dying and says its time the resume their business. He tells the Doctor to examine the cables and consider what they are and what they ca do. Clara and Missy pop the top of the Dalek's armor and Missy removes the Dalek inside. She then tells Clara to get inside. Davros tells the Doctor that the device is a relay that keeps him connected to all the Daleks on Skaaro. Davros is leeching life from the Daleks to keep himself alive. The Doctor realize that he could kill all of the Daleks from this moment, and Davros tempts the Doctor to commit genocide. The Doctor hesitates. He explains that he came not out of shame, but because Davros is sick and he asked. He came out of compassion.

Missy plugs Clara into the Dalek armor, and she learns to control it telepathically. She's closed inside and speaks through the Dakek, but her name is constantly replaced by Dalek when she says it. "I love you" and "you are different" are replaced by "exterminate," and emotion triggers the gun.

Davros asks the Doctor why he left Gallifrey. He says he was born, but Davros believes he's lying. Davros has the Doctor's confession dial, and he wants to know what's inside. Clara escorts Missy back into the Dalek's stronghold. Missy asks to see the Supreme Dalek.

The Doctor reveals to Davros that Gallifrey has returned, and says it's safe from both of them. Davros congratulates the Doctor on having a race and a people again. Davros beckons the Doctor closer sot aht he can see him with his own eyes. He turns his Dalek eye off and opens his biological eyes. He encourages the Doctor to protect the Time Lords as he has sought to protect the Daleks. He asks the Doctor if he's done right, if he's a good man. It dawns on the Doctor that Davros really is dying. Davros makes a joke, saying the Doctor is not a "good Doctor" since he couldn't tell Davros was dying for sure. Davros coughs and laments not seeing the sun with his own eyes one last time.

Missy is brought to the Supreme Dalek. Missy demands to see Davros, and offers Clara as a gift in return.

Davros looks out over Skaaro while the Doctor hook some cables into Davros. The Doctor explains he's not helping Davros now, but the boy he left on the battlefield, admitting he owes him one more sunrise. Davros says he wishes, just once, they had been on the same side. The Doctor says that the sun is coming up, and they're on the same side now. Davros says he cannot open his eyes. The Doctor moves to inject Davros with a bit of regeneration energy, and Davros and Colony Sarff spring their trap. Davros drains the Doctor's regeneration energy to inject the Daleks with it.

The Dalkes with the supreme suddenly go silent. They then glow with regeneration energy, and Missy runs to find the Doctor. Clara chases after. Davros recalls a Gallifreyan prophecy of a half-Dalek, half-Time Lord warrior race, and suggests this is what the Doctor ran from. Missy arrives and shoots down Sarff's snakes, severing the Doctor's connection to the Daleks. The Daleks awaken stronger than before. Davros gloats over his victory. The Doctor begins counting down and grabs his confession disc. At "one," the planet shakes. The Doctor reveals that he knew what Davros was up to all along and allowed him to do it. He mentions the sewers, and that generations of long-suffering Daleks are crawling up the pipes. The Doctor and Missy flee.

Clara, still in the Dalek armor, tries to reveal herself to the Doctor, but can only say she is a Dalek. Missy shows up and tells the Doctor that she is the Dalek that killed Missy. Clara gets the Dalek to say "mercy,"" which gives the Doctor pause. He asks why the Dalek hasn't tried to kill him, and then tells the Dalek to open its casing, and Clara is revealed inside. The Doctor tells Missy to run.

The Daleks are in chaos as the sewers turn against the. The Doctor invites them to exterminate, but the TARDIS force field is still present. The Doctor uses his sonic sunglasses to reassemble the dispersed TARDIS around himself and Clara. The Daleks surround Missy, who tells them she's just had a clever idea.

The Doctor and Clara watch the Dalek city crumble. The Doctor wonders how Clara was able to say the word "mercy" as a Dalek. He then takes the Dalek weapon and runs to the TARDIS.

He travels back to the child Davros. He points the weapon and yells "exterminate," then shoots down the hand mines. He offers to take Davros home. Davros asks the Doctor if he's the enemy. The Doctor says he's not sure if that matters, as long as there is always mercy. The Doctor takes Davros' hand and they walk on.