George R.R. Martin Distressed By Edgar Wright's Ant-Man Departure, Outraged Ant-Man Wasn't In The Avengers

Seems everyone is pretty upset ever the situation surrounding the Ant-Man movie. This includes A [...]

George R.R. Martin

Seems everyone is pretty upset ever the situation surrounding the Ant-Man movie. This includes A Song of Ice and Fire author George R.R. Martin, who made the fact clear in a post to his blog.

"So Marvel has dismissed director Edgar Wright from the long-awaited (by me, anyway) ANT-MAN movie he was helming," Martin writes. "Very distressing.  I love Ant-Man (and the Wonderful Wasp)."

Martin also made clear how disappointed he was that Ant-Man and the Wasp did not appear in The Avengers.

"I am still outraged that they were left out of THE AVENGERS film.  They were founding members of the group, after all.  Which can't be said for their replacements, Hawkeye and Black Widow."

Martin is a known fan of classic comic books, having drawn on this fondness (and his time playing in a superhero genre tabletop roleplaying game) to create the Wild Cards shared universe of superhero prose fiction.