DC Comics have released a preview of next month’s Red Lanterns #21, due out on June 26 from writer Charles Soule and artist Alessandro Vitti. It’s the first issue of a new status quo following a mass exodus of Green Lantern family creators who left along with longtime scribe Geoff Johns, who retired from the main Green Lantern series this month.”The way I want to write the series is to give it a tone sort of like a TV show like Sons of Anarchy or The Shield. Where you have essentially this team of kind of anti-heroes, where you have people that do crazy things that you can’t believe, but it’s all hopefully in the service of a greater good. The tagline I’ve sort of been using for this is ‘Bad people doing good things by doing bad things,’” Soule told Comic Vine. “The main kind of new addition to the team that will hopefully help make that tone work is Guy Gardner. He’s coming over to be a full-fledged embedded member of the Red Lantern Corps. He brings all of his backstory and all of his personality, humor and craziness. It’s all going to be part of the Red now. It think that will help to offset the teeth-grinding aggressiveness of Atrocitus in a way I think will create a really great dynamic. The tone will change a little bit but in a way that I think is going to be really entertaining and fun and people will enjoy reading it.”Check out the preview pages below.And because it’s bugging me: I can’t be the only one to notice that Guy Gardner’s screwdriver mysteriously changes from a flathead to a Phillips between panels, right?
Guy Gardner Heads to Red Lanterns in Preview of #21
DC Comics have released a preview of next month’s Red Lanterns #21, due out on June 26 from writer […]